
What makes your bestfriend your bestfriend?

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My best friend has been through everything in my life and is always there for me and me for her. A few times I have been in the wrong and she stuck up for me but let me know later that I was wrong. I love her she is so special in my life. I only have one best best friend. Have a good day from Sandy in Australia.




  1. I have two, but for different reasons.

    Chloe was my first ever friend, eleven years on and all her friends absolutely hate me and give her never ending c**p for hanging out with me but she does it anyway. I know that she will never leave me because we've been through so much together. She always knows how to make me smile =]. Her religion keeps me from telling her a lot of things though.

    Daniel is one because I can tell him ANYTHING. He'll never leave my side. We've also been though a lot together, and he's the one keeping me sane, giving me reason to be alive. He's also very romantic but doesn't ask for things I won't give him. He's the most understanding, considerate boyfriend in existence, is willing to do everything for me without me having to s***w him =]


    ps. Australians own this joint! =]

  2. best friend is a Friend who is trustworthy and helpful and an important people in u r life. every best friend's motto is like this "help in need is a help indeed" so anyone with these qualities are my best freinds

  3. She's the shy and quiet type,I'm the crazy loud-mouth...We just seem to bring out the best in each other.=)

  4. I don't have one.

  5. I dont have any best frinds anymore :( I just feel sad.

  6. She is always there for me.

  7. A best friend will lie for you even when they know you are wrong, and kick your *** later. A best friend will jump into a fight with you, or if you refuse, they drag you out of it when you're done. A best friend laughs at your jokes and dislikes the same people as you just because you do. Best frend knows what your thinking because they are thinking what you are thinking, and you have this uncanny ability to cooperate with them on tasks in a very fluid way as if prestructured.

  8. She always laughs with me and we can argue to the point of wanting to strangle one another, but end up forgiving each other in a minute or so.

  9. my bestfriend's smile and talents and his friendlyness makes him my best friend  

  10. We went to high school together and became close (many, many years ago!) And she's really successful and fortunate (financially)...great house, great career, rich husband, big city.  And I, on the other hand am a stay-at-home mom (low income) in a small town, several hours from her.  Through the years and all these changes she has never treated me any differently than a best friend.  She invites me places often, and always includes me in her family events, holidays, etc.  I feel like she's more than a friend, she's like my close family!!  She even tells me often how she envys "me"... because I get to stay home with my kids and have a simple life.  Funny how we can be living such extremely different circumstances, yet be so close and understand each other so well!

  11. The fact that from our initial meeting, it was evident we were destined to meet.  We practically share a brain because we are SO like-minded it's scary at times.  I tell her there's just one wire that connects from her brain to mine.  I should also tell her that there's one ribbon around my heart that ties to hers too.  (aww).  

    She's the only best friend I've got or could ever ask for.  No one can take her title, no matter what happens.  She lived in the UK at some point in our friendship while I was here in the US, and with a time difference of about 6 hours, we were still connected.  One night I was watching TV and felt the urge to turn off the TV and pray.  I did and the next day got e-mail from her saying she was praying for me in the morning.  Well...the times of her prayer and my urge to pray were in synch!  That is what you call a spiritual connection...more than just personalities meshing.

    All of this did not come from years of knowing each other.  Our friendship hit the ground running.  We have stories that will make you  FALL OUT laughing...some that will scare you..some will amaze you and most will inspire you.

    Bevey I love you!

  12. She puts up with me when no one else will ;)

  13. She has no problem talkin goofy alot lolz and we have so much in common!! :)

  14. well when everyone at school is calling me a s**t she is the one sticking up for me

    when a guy brakes my heart she is the one yelling at him

    when i call her up crying she is the the one who listens to me

    when everyone is bagging me she ALWAYS sticks up for me even if that means getting herself in trouble or hated!

    i love her so much!

    honestly wouldnt trade her for anyone else!!


  15. My best friend just used me for popularity and stabbed me in the back.

  16. He/she does judge you and loves you for everything that's wrong with you.

  17. He's my husband..

  18. we are just alike! we even finish each other's sentances

  19. My bestfriend is like yours. I acctaly have 3 bestfriends. Each of them have different personalitys but we all seem to have so much in common. When we get in fights it lasts only for a few hours and then we laugh about it later.  I can always look to them for advice :)

  20. Someone who doesn't give up on you and sticks by you. Someone who just will cheer you up when your feeling down. Someone who will always be there when you need them.

    That's my definition.

  21. We've been best friends for 5 years and it's going to stay that way. She's my best friend because I can trust her with my life. She's always here for me when I have problems. She's like the sister I never had. I love her to death. She's practically my lifeeee. My one and only best friend. :)

  22. I have 2 best friends. We've been through deaths of 2 friends within 6 months of each other.

    We've cried together...

    We've laughed together..

    I love them as much as if they were my sisters.

  23. Because she's the only person who understands me the best. We get along, and we have fun. She's always there for me and im always there for her.

  24. when im with her its like im alone.

    i know who i am when im with her.

    she brings my true self foreward

  25. she sticks with me through thick & thin :]

  26. bcuz i dont feel "like" i feel "love" but i cant "like" sum1 so for me best freind mean the person i trust the most but only one person help me in my life and now im with her ♥_♥

  27. I love my best friends because one of them can always make me laugh no matter what, and we always know what the other is thinking. He always has my back no matter what. Him & me can also be doing absolutely nothing and have the best time with it. My other best friend i love because i can tell her absolutely anything and she knows me so well. We never fight, hanging out together is one of the funnest things in the world. :]

  28. my bestfriend has been with me all my life :]

    she stands up for me and is always there when i need her.

  29. I think she is the only one who I feel totally comfortable around.

    And I've known her since I was 10 months old.

  30. He has s*x with me.

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