
What makes your horse unique?what annoys you about your horse?

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also pictures of your boys and girls is great!




  1. Unique:

    --He's REALLY REALLY smart!! He uses it to get out of doing work...exhibit A: my trainer was going to hand a crop to the girl that was riding him, but by the time she turned to give the crop, he'd gone to the other side of the arena and was giving her the stink-eye (or, as I call it, the si-eye) ^_^

    --He loves to eat fecal matter: gross, but if he knows the kid on him can't keep his head up, he'll go time, he got so desperate that he actually bent down onto his knees to eat...and no, it's not due to hunger or a defficiency...the vet said that he apparently just likes to snack on the stuff while in the arena...SO, my trainer started sprinting out to the piles and dumping cayenne pepper on them to stop him ^_^ worked!! He didn't really CARE, but he didn't like the taste.

    --His markings: dorsal stripe (not too unique), tiger stripes on his shoulders, a caramel-chocolate-red mane & tail, a partial-blue eye, etc...

    --His personality: 11 goin' on 3 ^_^ he's such a baby!

    --His squeals: He's often been mistaken for a mare...

    --He gives AMAZING neck massages...feels SO good after being in the saddle, lol.

    --His patience: Nothing phases him or upsets him

    --his nickname's "slowrus" (real name "Sirus", show name "sly fox"), even though he's one of the fastest horses in the program (you see, he only goes fast when they take the ponies for a gallop outside...inside the arena...not so much)

    Annoys me:! The p**p-eating habit I described!! Though, I honestly just laugh about it most of the time, but that's the only thing I can think of at the moment...that, and that when I catch him dragging a kid to a hay bale, and I try to correct him, but then I can't because he knows that if he tries anything with me he'll get in trouble (which plays into the smart thing again...)

    PICTURES ^_^ !!!!:

    -- (the dun)





    -- (baby si)


    (My pony ROCKS  XD!!!)

    btw, your story about your mini is hilarious, lol

  2. Unique ?

    Hmm -Falco, well the fact that he knows my moods and adapts to them, he's smart and will put in just enough effort ( unless I try jumping him in which case he bucks,farts and squeals !) He's been know to fake lameness if my friend rides him - dog lame going out the drive - turn round and suddenly he trots sound !) Extremely spooky except when I take him out on his own.

    He can also apparently live on fresh air - at the moment he has an enormous grass belly that I'm trying to get rid of.

    Harvey is a total wuss - scared of everything including his own stable, will not go in front on a hack (or if you can get him in front he spooks and can't keep a straight line) he likes to race and will pull faces at the horse in front if it's not going fast enough but if he overtakes it he will stop !  but if you put him in an arena or field with jumps he is fearless and will jump anything.

    Min ( daughter's pony) he's ex-riding school and very very smart. I could put a totall beginner on him and he will be good as gold and never put a foot wrong but if you are a good rider he will play. He's 25 and can still do handstands and sliding stops ( odd for an English horse) takes the mick out of people who think they are good because he will do an emergency stop then drop his shoulder and just stand at look at them when they're on the floor !

    Holly ( daughter's loan horse) my daughter loves her even though she's a complete fruit bat. She will go beautifully one moment then suddenly all she will do is run backwards and bounce then suddenly she's back to going beautifully again !

    Edit - long answer but I still forgot the annoying bit !

    Falco barges and will bite. Harvey has the apparent ability to ignore any bit if he's in race mode. Min has sweet itch and gets stress diarrhoea ( then box walks in it) if he's left in. Holly cribs and managed to destroy a crib collar.

  3. I have a full percheron who is in training for eventing. We've been schooling XC for a few months and he has no trouble clearing 3'6. That in itself seems to be pretty unique for such a heavy guy..

  4. Unique:  He can talk.

    Annoying:  He's a terrible poker player.

  5. My horse's personality is pretty unique. I love her because of it, though. She's as sweet as pie to me, but can hold grudges sometimes (as many mares do =] ). One of the things that made me fall even more in love with her is that when I first bought her, (and was beginning to ride more often) if the girth was a bit loose, she would move away every time I would try to mount her until I tightened the girth. It never failed, every time I checked the girth after one of these moments, the saddle would have indeed slipped to the side if I had gotten on her.

    She has a lot of pride though, and is very dominant, which sometimes gets her in trouble. She used to try to kick through stall walls if the horse next to her got to close to her (and if she didn't like that specifc horse) and ended up with a swollen fetlock or leg because of the kicking. She has finally stopped most of it though, thank goodness =]

  6. Hi there,

    My pony is unique because he has the weirdest attitude in the world. One day he will love you the next day boy o boy you better watch out lol. But i love him<3

    The most anoying this is ive been trying for 2 years to get my pony to stop biting and NOTHING at ALL is working!!!

    Here are some pics of the brat<3

  7. My horse has 5 humps and her name is Alice.

  8. The thing that makes my horse unique is his personality and he loves granola bars! He is such a sweetheart. He loves to be the center of attention. His little ears just make me smile too. He has expressive eyes, a cute muzzle, and he moves beautifully. Not much annoys me about my horse besides the fact that he would eat until he popped. Hehehe. He's kind-of a chunky monkey. Overall, though, he's a great guy!

  9. unique: we have a special bond,had him since i was a baby, knows exactly what I want from him like when i want him to trot, lpe, gallop, ect.

    annoys:  once he starts running, he doesn't like to stop, gets too hot and energetic sometimes but i love him anyways!

  10. One gelding is an elegant, halter type quarter horse, which I love; he's unique in that it's rare to find such a halter type horse being ridden on a daily basis and expected to do a job.  He has great hocks (rare for a halter horse) and a work ethic in spite of his lack of focus...he tries through his attention deficit disorder, so he gets points for that.    

    The downside..he can be a total airhead...he's a blonde!

  11. My guy Keene is a unique guy.  His favorite toy is a cardboard box- perfect to shred and stomp on!!  But anything with in reach is his second favorite toy.  Gloves, halters, blankets, other horses.... all excellent toys!!  He will untie himself and others, he removes leg wraps and splint boots from his legs, back legs too!!  If I poultice him, he will "finger paint" all over his stall walls!  If my knees hurt, he licks them!!  If I have a head ache, he will l**k that too!!!  If I have put gloves in my pocket, he will take them out and hand them to me!  The only thing that he does to really annoy me is paw.  He paws if I leave him in the crossties for a moment, he paws at the trailer, and he paws if I have bored him during our ride.  Small price to pay for such a special guy........ plus he's only 4, so he may grow out of it.  Yea right!

  12. Unique:  You know when you have that really annoying thinks they  know it all type of rider...well if the person really doesn't she will make sure that everyone knows it with in about 5 minutes...she doesn't really do anything bad...she just trips or shakes like a dog (thats real funny to see someone fall from that one).  And then they come back saying she bucked them off and her buck is the worst....her buck is like a rocking horse literally. lol.  But she is a sweetie and I can't say anything annoys me about her I hardly ever have to put a halter on her she just follows me everywhere and dlets me even bathe her without it.

  13. she is anoying about that when i wash she goes and roles in her stall and then i have to feed her after i ride her every time so she puts on weight

    and the unique thing is that you can do anything to her and she won't care(untill you titen her girth)

  14. We have a horse that can open all of his gates(including the chained ones,he will stick his nose in a hole and lift it off the hinges) and also knows how to turn doorknobs and lock doors- FROM THE INSIDE MOST OF THE TIME.

    It sucks when you come back from throwing hay and feed to cattle and your horse is standing in the kitchen and has locked you out of the house. It's not easy to explain to the locksmith either.

  15. COPPER SAILS AKA. SAILOR (thoroughbred)


    -->Originally, he was put up for auction to go to a meat packing plant, but someone bought him (yay!!). The people who bought him put him into horse racing, but he didn't do well, so they sold him to people interested in hunter/jumper. He won EVERY hunter division he went in for several years after learning to jump, and after many years and many owners, some people bought him and retired him. However, he learned how to crib, and cribbed non-stop for a year; so much that his top teeth wore down, bottom teeth grew up, and he couldn't eat from the pain. He had no blanket on in the winter that year, ad this is the same year that we had a terrible cold spill. He weighed 7500 pounds (scary, huh?) and my trainer estimates that if he had spent 2 more days outside (enough time for the -37 degree Celsius weather to set in) he would have died, but my mother and I agreed to tackle the challenge and re-introduce him to the hunter ring. Amazingly, within 5 months, I had won my first championship, and I kept winning. He never stops at a jump, rarely spooks, and has a heart of gold, he never hesitates and loves his treats, lol. He is now 22 and I STILL win championships jumping at 3 feet.


    He still cribs because he found a way around the collar, but not as much.

    He has steel for a neck muscle, I swear, he pulls me around the ring. It is like a snowball effect as I jump a course, but only in lessons, he never does in horse shows.

    He always begs for more apples and carrots because my mother spoils him rotten and he will walk right out of his stall straight towards the treat bag if I look away for one second.

  16. Not a week goes by that my horse doesn't do something to make me laugh.  

    The other night, I had him loose in the ring while I was crouched down trying to dig up a rock sticking out of the ground.  He came up behind me, grabbed the waistband of my jeans and pulled!  Yes, he was basically giving me a wedgie!

    Another time I had been feeding him pieces of carrot out of my coat pocket while tacking up. I thought I'd given him all the bits and mounted for our ride. Well, he stretched his front legs out and twisted his head and neck all the way around and ALMOST reached my coat pocket with his mouth!  "What on earth are you doing!?" I yelled. Then I remembered the carrot bits and sure enough, there was one left in my pocket!

    He is quite a character, which is the main reason I chose him in the first place.

  17. Well I have 3 horses, but I will go with the one that i ride most.

    Unique- she's a palimino paint with a blue eye and a brown eye. how rare! And she's part Thoroughbred ♥♥ i luv her ♥♥ such a swearheart

    Annoying- hehe she's such a picky spoiled lil mare

  18. Unique: My horse is pretty old 25 years old and is still going! Also you can do anything to him and he is like the horse has been there and done that. He is amazing and very love able!!

    Annoying: He is very stubborn! Plus, he runs away from me when i try to catch him in his field but eventually he gives up! :) He also gets pretty impatient so he kind dances around! lol!

    No matter what i will always love my little pony! tehe! :) :)

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