
What makes your milk supply low?

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My baby is 3 months and I'm paranoid that my milk supply is going to dwindle because he's sleeping through the night now! Help!




  1. No u shouldnt have a problem at all, ur body will adjust to his needs.

  2. You will produce enough for your baby so don't worry. As long as your baby is gaining weight and peeing good, he is fine. My son is 3 months as well and sleeping about all night. Your body will produce what the baby needs.  

  3. Hey there, I am a mother of three... and I've nursed all three of my children.  I will say that I too was paranoid with my first child when they started sleeping thru the night for the same reasons.  Don't worry... your body will keep up with your babies demands as long as you keep offering them the breast first.  If you baby doesn't eat thru the night anymore....thats great!!!....that means that they are maturing and will then catch up on feedings during the day.  A baby will often "cluster feed" or feed frequently to help keep your milk supply equal with their growth and demands... let them do this.... your milk supply will often dwindle if you offer an alternative to the breast such as a bottle or pacifier.  Congrats on the baby and good luck!

  4. Let him sleep through the night. You will have enough milk, don't worry! I use to feed my girl in the morning and pump the other breast just to make extra milk. Worked well for me. But just be happy he's sleeping through the night, and feed him on demand during the day.

  5. It won't dwindle as long as he's still breastfeeding. Breastfeeding stimulates the milk supply. Good for you that your baby is sleeping through the night already.

  6. i was just dealing with the same problem and found out that if you sleep on your stomach then the pressure ur putting on your b*****s can cause ur milk glands to clog and that can decrease ur milk.  

  7. Congratulations on having a baby that sleeps through!

    If your son is feeding fully during the day, then you'll find that at night you will tend to produce less milk. Initially you might have noticed your b*****s being more engorged and painful when you first wake up, but this will settle down after a week or so as your body adjusts. You will find you produce more milk during the day to compensate.

    It can be a bit uncomfortable while you adjust, but your milk supply won't diminish because he's sleeping through.

    You are both becoming more efficient though - him at obtaining the milk, and you at producing it *while* he feeds, so that you will notice feeding times are shorter, and that you don't FEEL as full.

    All the best!

  8. I fed on demand and I had a 10.5 lb baby and I pumped when he wasn't eating and I still lost my milk to the point I had to supplement. I held it off for as long as I could, I tried E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-NG, teas, vitamins, pills, pumping, not pumping, waking for feedings ect...I just never had a great supply. I had a bad birthing situation and lost a lot of blood and all seemed to fall behind from that point. It's pretty rare it happens, but if it does, I learned not to beat myself up about it, babies have to eat! Good luck to you and don't worry, just do the best you can!

  9. Some women do experience a slight decrease.  you could always wake up for a pumping in the middle of the night if you start to notice a slight decrease.  If there is one it will be mild.

  10. I don't mean to sound crude here, but as a proud father of 3 teenagers I have a decent amount of experience and my wife and I had this problem, but we found out (unexpectedly I might add, haha) that sexual activity increases the amount of lactation. There you go!

    Have fun, and

    Goodluck =]

  11. ur milk production is stimulated by nursing and pumping. if u miss a feeding and dont pump instead, ull start to produce less. nurse a lot and pump inbetween n before the end of the day, you'll be fuller than u wanna be lol. if not, then seek a lactation consultant cause something might not be right

  12. As long as you are getting wet diapers and he is growing, you have nothing to worry about.

    You can always pump if you are really worried about your supply.

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