
What makes your partner special?

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Im curious why people seem to stand out.




  1. There are over a dozen reasons as to why my boyfriend is special and stands out (and I probably will leave so many out) :

    1. He doesn't try to impress me by doing things that he thinks I would want. He is purely himself all the time, never pretending to be something he's not (and that's all I could ever want or ask for :).

    2. He is loving, caring, self-less and gives all of himself to me.

    3. He has a forgiving heart.

    4. He is not a jealous person at all.

    5. He has told me from the beginning that he would never cheat on me nor would he ever want to be with anyone else ever. He has told me he would never raise he's hands to me or swear at me, and he hasn't! (we've been together for about two years and he's never said an unkind word to me or made me feel hurt) And I trust him completely, more than any other person in the whole world.

    6. He always makes me feel safe, loved and special.

    7. He puts me before any other person in his life (and we're not married or anything but we will be - in a lot of ways he's already like the stunningly wonderful husband I have always dreamt of one day having)

    8. He is hard-working, passionate and possesses so much inner strength.

    9. He finds beauty and interest in the most smallest of things, which most people would find incredibly insignificant.. I think it's soo cute!

    10. He will not go to a strip club. He feels sad for women who do that and absolutely does not find any appeal to what they do. (He is 100% straight ofcourse).. But that's just how he feels about the matter.

    Like I said, I left lot's out but that's a few of the reasons why he's amazing and special. I love him sooo much and I'm the luckiest woman - I never wanna be without him!

    Now, I find it necessary to say that I'm not making guys who go to strip-clubs out to be bad. I'm not judging other people or anything :)

  2. Before we dated we were just friends. I had an away message up on AIM one day saying I was having  a bad day. He texted me and told me he was there if I needed to talk about anything. That always stuck out in my mind because we were barely friends at that point but he still cared...he's just such a caring person, I love that about him.

  3. Ladies man (romantic) & rich$$$$$$$

  4. it depends on how the partner will also act on the person. if she's that sweet, caring and loving, then he might think that he had the best girl ever that makes him feel really special.. to the bones..:)

  5. Well. He is a wonderful, helpful caring person. For 5 years, I've had an open wound in my groin which continues to not heal. Everyday, twice a day, he patches me up with gauze and tape, and silvedeine cream.

    He is also amazing at fixing things. Be it small or big, there is nothing he can't fix.:) Now if only he can fix my the doctors have all but given up on me. :)

  6. Intelligence, Humor, Patience, and the willingness to temporarily waive her otherwise high standards for my benefit.

  7. The nuts and bolts of this answer lies in her being very intelligent and able to think on her feet solving problems. She comes to the right conclusion and leaned on by her friends, family, and boss. Her opinion is well thought out and she is respected for being a caring individual and good thinker. I picked a first class woman and I am all the better for it.......(only credit me for a great choice and not take one thing away from her ability and thinking process)

  8. The fact that he will work his A** off for me and my daughter, and work so hard to get me what I really need, it took him six months to save up for a new dryer, that I finally got yesterday, and he did not give me a cheap one, he got me a top of the line one, and he thinks about me and his daughter, and he does good by us.

    He is my rock, my light, my love and my soulmate.

    The fact that he love me and his daughter with all his heart and soul, makes him the top "pop" in our family!!!!!

  9. He is super sweet, so patient, kind, generous, HOT, funny, silly, and gentle, he is a great dad and takes care of his parents and family. He loves God, and treats others like he wants to be treated. But he is also, decisive, stern, respected, smart, he handles everything unpleasant in our lives, he is strong and wise, and is very diplomatic and he thinks things through. He is not impulsive and he always puts his family first. He has been my best friend since I was a kid, and will be til the day I die. Best of all, I love him with ever ounce of love I have.  

  10. If they stand out to you that's what makes them special; because they stand out to you in a crowd whereas other people are just people.

    If you love them truly they should be completly different to people surrounding you!

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