
What makes your water break? ?

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With my 1st pregnancy my water broke while I was in labor. I was wondering about the people who's water breaks before they are having contractions. What makes your water break?




  1. I don't think that is known.  I do know that there is thought to be a link with poor protein intake and premature rupturing of the amniotic sack.  Certainly near the end of pregnancy the amniotic sack is loosing elasticity, often from calcium deposits.  But it too could be due to infections in the womb, which there is greater evidence that amniotic infection leads to many if not most preterm births as well.

    It's certainly not from getting jostled or hit.  If that were true we'd all have preterm and pre-labor rupture.  I do know with my 2nd pregnancy I was told by my doula to make sure I got 70 grams of protein a day to avoid a premature rupture of the membranes, and that seemed to help.  I do know that as the placenta ages it develops calcium deposits and looks sad, as does the amniotic sack - so it could be from aging of the entire sack, infection (asymptomatic), poor nutrition, smoking....

  2. im not sure, and ive never heard this question before.

    maybe sperm?

    i walked alot with my second child and my water broke right before she came out.

    with my first, it popped hours after s*x and lots of little contractions

    and with my third the dr popped it for me.

  3. sperm can help.

  4. Excersize. My mom had to walk the floor just to get hers to break!

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