
What makeup should I wear to attract a guy?

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I currently don't wear any makeup, or if I do, only a tiny amount of lip gloss and compact to hide my pimples.

I am in the 7th grade.

So what sort of makeup should I wear?





  1. sluttier the better

  2. So many girls slathering their faces with makeup, if you want to stand out from the 'raccoon eyes' set, go without makeup. A fresh faced natural look!

  3. You do not need to wear makeup to attract a guy. Your personality and natural look should be enough to do the trick.However, if you want to enhance your natural beauty there are a few makeup essentials that you can do.

    Use a tinted moisturizer to even out your complexion

    A light bronzer can add color to your cheeks and eye lids

    mascara and lip gloss will complete this no fuss look

    For more makeup tips check out my buzz blog post at

  4. guys like the natural look more than caked on make up fake look. if you don't have to wear make up don't. it will just clog up your skin and give you more blemishes.

    just use lip balm or gloss and maybe if you want clear mascara after you curl your lashes with a curling wand. thats it.

  5. sumthin hot like ah emo chick or scene girl.  

  6. Im in yr 8 nd I personaly think its fine to wear make up and any1 who thinks its S****y is probably ugly :P I wear a tiny bit of foundation, lots of eyeliner(only coz im a mosher :D) you should probably wear a little bit, I wear I tiny bit of blusher and some mascara and thats it really.but you shouldnt do this to impress a boy. If he cant realise how nice you are without make up, then in my opinion he's not worth it :D

  7. trust me, hun. guys don't notice. Just maybe mascara.

    plz help me!!

  8. nobody likes a ton of makeup on looks ridiculous and their skin looks all freaky and fake...

    i'm 21 and i really only ever wear mascara and bronzer on the daily - sometimes i mix it up and use an angle brush to put some brown along my lash line (this has a softer look than eye liner)

    and then on the occasion i do my eyes all fancy with colours and what not...

    boys will prefer you to be your most natural self - they don't want to hold you close and have your face rub off all over their shirt

  9. haha a 7th grader who wears makeup at our school is known as the sllllut :)

    you shouldn't wear makeup to attract a guy, you should wear makeup to enhance.

    i'm in the 8th grade and i'm not going to wear makeup for a looonnggg time from now.

    why? because people beg me not to put on makeup, for once you begin to use it, your skin will become all ugly with pores and you will lose your natural beauty.

    it's your choice, but just stick to concealer and chapstick.

  10. You should first think about which guys you want to attract :)

  11. The makeup you should wear to attract a guy is:

    -lotion all over your face,

    -a thin line of brown eyeliner on your lower lashes,

    -one coat of clear mascara on your upper and lower lashes but curl your upper lashes first with an eyelash curler, and

    -some lip balm, like ChapStick's Medicated Lip Balm.

    This type of makeup gives you that "Girl-Next-Door" look.

  12. I think you will find most guys prefer girls with no makeup. It's very easy to see if a girl is wearing makeup because it looks like she has a cream coloured paste on her face. Which is not attractive at all. Keep it minimalistic, so maybe mascara and lipgloss. But you're in 7th grade, so you shouldn't be wearing any unless you want to be called the school s**t.

  13. you don't need it your to young

  14. Just try to look fresh and natural and accent your natural beauty. Check out Mark. Products. They're really great for this.

  15. well i usually just put on a thin amount of black eyeliner and some mascara.

    it makes your eyes look brighter because of the dark outlining.

    shiny lipgloss always works as well =D

  16. mascara


  17. mascara,,,blusher and lip gloss.. :)

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