
What makeup techniques can u use to make ur eyelids appear thicker and larger?

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i have very small eyes, therefore very small eyelids. how do i accentuate my eyes in a way that my eyelids look bigger- like how shud i put on the eyeshadow or something. thanx




  1. first use a creme base:color of your choice

    than a dark color only in the crease of your eye

    than a light shimmer over lid and under brow

    than liquid eyeliner just above your lashes{be careful if it gets in the eye it will burn!}

    a bright reg eyeliner for under the eye

    and lash blast mascara is the best one for huge eyes

  2. whatever you do, don't fully outline your eyes in black eyeliner. try only going about 3/4 of the way around your eye when using eyeliner, not covering the inner corners of your eye.

    only apply mascara to the outer lashes.

    use white eyeliner on your water line (still only 3/4 of the way, not covering your inner corners)

    and wear a lighter colored pearle eyeshadow.

  3. Liquid line your eyes in a thin line. No wings because they make eyes look smaller. Only do the top. Apply a white or pearlized ivory in your inner lids. Highlight your brow bone with a nude looking color with shimmer. Well defined but not extreme eye brows can be achieved by dabbing brown eye shadow in your brow with a brush.  

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