
What man's top modern day 'natural' predators? (Top Five) 100 points for best answer?

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I was having an argument about the top 5 predators of modern man. We have managed to establish ourselves at the top of the food chain over centuries but what would still try to attack us if given the opportunity is above us. Naturally, tornadoes would be in first or second place but what comes after them?




  1. Most of the answers misuse the term "predator" in a way that means anythng that can kill humans.  Predators are specifically other animals that kill a particular species as a food source.  At the moment, there are no serious predators of humans.  However, there are a lot of ways to die.

  2. 1Tornado's (if you say so)


    3Greed, (hoarding of resources kills millions)

    4Abortions (over 50,000,000 babies aborted in america alone)


  3. 1. Other humans

    2. Our own ignorance of the environment causing global warming and other toxic releases.

    3. Viruses made super strong by our over-use of antibiotics.

    4. Over population demanding too much from the planet.

    5. Diseases.

    6. Greedy companies that are destroying the food supply in the name of profit.  

  4. 1. tsunami

    2. Tornadoes,, if you think so..

    3. carnivorous animals

    4. pathogens

    5. earthquakes

  5. You are right, tornadoes along with hurricanes, tidal waves, volcanoes and earthquakes would be the top modern day "natural" predators of modern man.

    However, Man's natural predator is man!

    More fundamentally, to argue that technology is moving humanity beyond natural selection is to assume that we are all one happy humanity. Experience teaches otherwise. Genetic engineering is one end of human technology; genocide is another. Man's natural predator is man. And as predators go, homo sapiens can far surpass any to be found in nature. It could hardly be otherwise: Today's technology lets people unleash nature's own scourges--smallpox or anthrax, for example--or deliberately disperse chemicals far more toxic than any produced by a hornet or a rattlesnake.

    The most hopeful response is that the predatory people and cultures never master science--science is the systematic exclusion of dogma, superstition and paranoid fantasy. But what matters in the new Darwinian jungle isn't science, it's technology, which can be stolen and mastered even by people who could never develop it themselves.

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