
What management characteristics do you consider important to instill trust and accomplish results?

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What management characteristics do you consider important to instill trust and accomplish results?




  1. I show my people that I trust them to do there jobs without me looking over there shoulders

  2. After a particularly stressful time/project at work I go to each worker and tell them something specific they personally did that was helpful or good. Even if the person is a rotten worker find something, I do this at the end of every rush with every person (I am in the food and beverage industry). I always notice that after I do this even if I gave the tiniest compliment everyone becomes more productive.

    People enjoy being genuinely recognized for hard work and become harder even happier workers when they realize they are an important part of the team. My production went up when I started doing this... one woman had tears in her eyes and said no boss had ever told her she was doing a good job.

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