
What market do tomorrow?

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What market do tomorrow?




  1. After such sharp falls for two consecutive days, market may trade slightly in the green for a major part of the session./

  2. Open ----> Fluctuate -----> Close

  3. if someone knows for sure he/she can easily become rich overnight.

  4. God knows. Oil prices seem to be the deciding factor for the decline of stock market and the increasing bullion market. If oil goes down automatically stock will go up and bullion will go down.

  5. Oil has gone down by $9/barrel ..... Gold will go down...... Stocks will look up.

    Same old phulka-subzi day! Have fun.

  6. Like in any other environment do not worry about tomorrow; look at today.

    If you see the stock market down and you see the blue chip stocks down too; it is only fair to expect that you amongst other investors would go out and buy them.  However, do not buy the whole lot in one go.  Spread your purchases of stocks over a period of a few days, weeks or even months.

    Presently, the stock market is in the buy phase across the board.  These are periodic occurances to get the froth out of the system.  However, this time around we also have the global issues at play like the sub-prime crisis, high crude oil and commodity prices resulting in high inflation.  Resulting in higher interest rates, resulting in money flying to safer havens lke a FDR in a bank.

    As far as we are concerned, tomorrow again would be a day to buy stocks and shares.  And if you are holding stocks at higher prices levels, then you would have to wait for a period of time before you can realize some gains from them.

    However, you must realize that there are no free lunch tickets here.  Caution is recommended.

    Happy investing,


  7. It will fluctuates

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