
What martial art is best for competing against bigger guys?

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I weigh about 160 and i think i need to be in a martial art that lets me compete against bigger guys 4 more of a challenge. Any ideas




  1. You're probably wanting to get into jujitsu where there's alot of ground work.  This minimizes the height advantage that your opponent may have on you.

  2. hmmm, are there any martial arts that dont encourage sparring between weight classes?...what are you looking for? striking or grappling or both? id imagine all of them would allow you to spar with people in different weight classes...but im not sure

  3. Judo, Jiujitsu, Grappling etc.

  4. If you want to compete find a sport you like such as Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or free style grappling.  Go compete.  

    but if you seek a martial art that will save your life look into Kung Fu San Soo or Krav Maga for real world self defense.

    Remember martial arts developed for sport are just that for sport and competition.  The are taught to fit within a set of rules to protect the competitors.   Other systems were built for war, fighting to the death or self defense in any situation on the field of battle or in the streets.  Many arts can be adapted to work in a confrontation with no rules but some are 100% brutal and effective in my mind.  you need to figure out what you goal is and what you think you will enjoy more.

    The most important thing is to find a martial art that fits you as a person mentally and physically.  You also need to enjoy learning from your master, professor, sinsei, sifu or instructor.  you must respect and enjoy their teaching because you will spend many hours learning and training with them.

    Have fun and enjoy your journey.

    Good luck.


  5. Grappling arts of whatever kind - Judo, Jiu Jitsu or BJJ, shootboxing, etc.  This weekend I was at a submission wrestling tourney and watched a muscular 244 lb guy get handled by a guy in the 175 lb class.  The smaller guy took him 3 rounds and scored point for point with the huge dude.  That's 9 full minutes of hard grappling against a guy 70 lbs larger with virtually no fat on him...If you add in strikes, you can dominate a big guy without much problem.

    I'm a striker mainly, and a good grappler can nullify my kicks and punches.  I'd definitely go this route.

  6. judo defently or MMA theres alot of bigger guys in that.

  7. You should join ninjujitsu. I am a girl and everyone in my martial arts is bigger than me and I make them hurt...

  8. to be specific, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

    MMA is the ultimate fusion of all that is good about martial arts. But get a bit of grounding elsewhere first.

    Avoid Tae Kwon Do (unless you only want to end up a can-can dancer!) it's pointless and just for show.

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