
What martial art should I learn first?

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I have always been infatuated with Martial arts. I want to learn as many styles as possible but I don't know where to start. Suggestions?




  1. Look first at the videos on different types of martial arts, use your common sense and choose wisely, don't pick martial arts that is flashy or fancy because you'll end up getting your *** kicked. If you see the practitioner of that martial art is flashy or trying to hit many punches in one second, don't learn that martial art because doesn't matter how many punches you can throw in a second, you only need one to knock out or kill someone if you're good enough. So choose ones that you think is effective, I recommend for a beginner, choose Karate to start with, DO NOT, ever learn boxing because you're learning self defense, not sports.

  2. Whichever one you want.

  3. Start with grappling, stance and defending yourself.

    Study what catches your interest, but knowing how to actually grapple will be the most beneficial to knowledge to have and seek early on.

    (15 years studying)

  4. i would either choose

    1)wrestling (start your ground game learn how to stop take downs)

    2) boxing (get in shape and learn how to take a hit)

    3) tae kwon do (you get the feel of traditional arts and you get real flexible)

  5. It really doesn't matter the style!

    What you need to do is go to the different schools, sometimes they offer free trial classes, and than and only than can you figure out which school to start at.

    Believe me I went to five schools and they were different styles but I got a bad vibe and when I took the trial classes that bad vibe was confirm.

    The last one I ended at was Korean Hapkido, love the instructors, love the formality of the school and the discipline and respect the students had for the instrutors and the school.


  6. If i were to get into martial arts, i would first learn a style that not many people know. a good one though. that way you have surprise moves, and you have an advantage.

    plus its so much cooler than having something liek karate, that every kid at the age of 6 learns

  7. Start with the best instructor in your area and the school that trains the most realisticly, and forget so much about style. There are two schools of thought on this. I do not recomend learning more then one style at a time, but this is my opinion. I think a person should get a good foundation in one style, at least Black belt, then start to cross train in other styles.

    Too many at once will confuse your mind and body, and you will wind up not having a firm base in either. I know all the people that are on the MMA bandwagon will say no you need to learn them at the same time, and that is another opinion.

    I just watch some of the newer fighters that did not develope a good base in one style throw technique, and it is horrific to watch some of them. Yes they can fight, basicly by bludguning their opponent until they can't continue. If you watch their actual striking technique though, they could do a lot more damage with most blows if they had good technique, rather then raw power, which turns it into a war of attrition.

    Again do not be so concerned with style, as you are with the instructor and the way the school trains.

    As for the guy with the comment about karate and 6 year olds guess what? Many MMA gyms are opening up that take young kids. To many it's all about the money, and you shouldn't judge a style you obviously know nothing about just because some dis honest greedy people turn it into a business.

  8. I participate in Taekwondo, I would definitely recommend it.

  9. I would start with wrestling because it gives you that middle ground: the ability to control where the fight takes places. (ie. on the ground or on your feet).  But, if you cannot find a good place to wrestle, I would find any style where there is a good instructor in your area.  Visit a bunch of places and decide based on that.  The teacher and practioner are usually more important then the style.

  10. BOXING!!!!

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