
What martial art should I take?

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I want to join wrestling next year, but i also want to defend myself against bullies.




  1. Well, Jujitsu would aid you in your wrestling, but you can take whatever martial art you want to, it is really a matter of personal preference. Find out what you want to learn, whether it is something to compliment your wrestling, or something that is basic that is effective (muay thai, mma), something that grapples (jujitsu), or something that keeps you at a distance (Tae-Kwon-Do). However, only use what you learn against people if you have to. If some one is trying to draw in to a fight, just walk away, it is more trouble than it is worth, because in a real life fight, there is alot that can go wrong that  could have been avoided if someone had just walked away.

    But, on a brighter note, have fun in your martial art, and try to go to a more serious martial arts school, that away you get better workouts, and you will probably get more out of it.

    My suggestion: MMA, Muay Thai kick boxing, or Jujitsu (These are simple, effective martial arts in a real life situation, they have strong, effective movments that aren't complex). You can pick a different martial art if you want, it is your choice

  2. Every one will recomend a style that they train, or that they have heard is good, or that they see in the UFC. The fact is what you want is not a style it is a good instructor, and a school that trains realsiticly, regardless of style.

    My recomendation at your age would be Judo if you can find a good school, simply for the fact it will let you deal with bullies without the obvious danger of a striking style to the person. remember the first option is always to walk away, but if you are forced to Judo would be good.

    I myself would choose Judo over BJJ just for the simple fact that BJJ is pretty much useless standing up, and Judo has almost as good a ground game, with much better throwing and take down skills, as well as take down defense. Not to slam BJJ but it is fairly one dimensional, and BJJ was developed from Judo.

    Want to know something? I don't take Judo, i actually take a style of karate called Isshin-Ryu, which is very effective for self defense, even for a smaller person, but from the little you told us I think Judo would fit you better right now. It will also compliment your wrestling and help you there when you begin it.

    Most importent on anything you take find the best instructor and school you can. There are many answers on here about what to look for, and what to avoid.

    Good Luck!

  3. Muay Tia kickboxing would get you in the best shape of your life and also is very simple, there's alot of martial arts out there that are just a fancy mess, all show and wasted movements and energy, fighting should be simple,straight forward and efficient. those triple backflip spinkicks and anything in the movies are high risk moves that only hit people that are in a coma and cant move. also look into jui jitsu for ground work. I'm not hating on kung fu it was really interesting and spiritual when I was in it but, not practical, swords and staffs are not a luxury you have in a fight,and alot of kung fu deals with weapons. bruce lee made kung fu practical by blending in with western boxing and fencing principals. check out The Tao of Jeet Kune Do.

  4. the best kind of martial art for defend of urself is kung fu .

    I know Kung fu , its really good, and if u know kung fu , no one cant annoy u .

    wrestling is good , but not as good as Kung fu .

  5. Muay Thai is fav form ive mentioned this on several questions ive answered, its very brutal and very aggressive. Also take up some BJJ to compliment your wrestling.

  6. Tae Kwon Do

  7. I agree with DaveD just search on youtube what the best martial arts for you is. I personally love bjj (Brazilian jiu-jitsu) but eveyone has their own bias.

    I like Dave's church idea too lol.

  8. I'd go with Brazilian Ju-Jitsu (BJJ as previously mentioned).  It's great for wrestling, and if you're worried about bullies, I would kind of assume you're just a little guy -- BJJ is great for little guys!

    Or you could just go with church ;)

  9. personally I find any type of kung fu best :)

  10. If you like wrestling i would take up Judo.

  11. How about Jeet Kune Do?  That's a strong discipline.  It's Bruce Lee's developed fighting style.  Or how about Krav Maga.  It was used in The Bourne Series of movies.  It uses quick reflexes.  I'm sure that'd help with wrestling.


  12. ooh mantis style! really good..... at catching bugs! But not tiger!

  13. I may be biased, because of which martial art I take, but here's what I've found out about Kenpo/Kempo...

    It's a mixture of different techniques, but mostly it concentrates on offensive defense. I like it, because you learn the standard kicks, punches, grabs, and pokes - yes, you do learn how to poke people - but you also get a little bit from each culture and disipline.

    Edit: I'd just like to point out that Krav Maga isn't the best for learning just for sport. Technically, it isn't a sport. The basic principles are to disable your attacker as quickly as possible, with possibly lethal force. No, Krav Maga is NOT the smartest disipline to learn.

  14. I took Kyokushin Karate.  This karate is not for everyone, it is very menatally and expecially physically demanding.  Kyokushin believes in practicing how you play.  We do full contact sparring (no gloves, no punching or elbows to the face, but kicks to the face are allowed) at the end of every session.  Kyokushin believes in powerful punches and kicks and the use of elbows and knees.  I took it from the age of 6 to 16 years old and can tell you that if you are strong enough to train Kyokushin Karate, you will definately be happy with the results.  Any Martial Art you take can show you how to throw punches and kicks and how to defend them.  If you dont get to use these techniques every day in real life training though, and you dont know what it feels like to get hit and how to react and recover from it, then you are likely to freeze up if you really need to use them.

  15. Kempo. It helps teach you how to hurt him just a little, but not kill him. and it also teaches you how to deal with someone with a gun. And when you get higher in belt you can start working with weapons.

  16. I took Tae Kwon Do when I was 12 and by the time I was 17, I had a 3rd degree blackbelt but it may take you longer or it may be faster, any martial art is only as good as the person who takes it to heart and trains often. Try to talk to your mom and dad about it they be supportive of your needs.

  17. Jujitsu, Judo, Hopkido, and Mixed Marital Arts are all great grappling martial arts that will help in wrestling. Bullies on the other hand are a different story. I would avoid them not let them drag you into a fight where you could get hurt or in trouble for hurting (or killing) someone. Aggressive people should be dealt with assertively. Check out my church's website to learn more about being assertive and dealing with aggressive people.

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