
What martial art should i learn 4 the street?

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IM NOT A ***** I AINT GONNA USE A GUN. Im 15, i cant move.




  1. Just about every form of martial art is easily overpowered if your oponant knocks you to the floor, and that is more easily done than you may think.  All it takes is a hand full of gravel in your face and a rugby tackle.  Most forms of martial art will defend you very well against anybody who's attacking you using the conventional martial art stance, but that doesn't happen in the streets.  The best form of martial art, by far, for throwing of an attacker is one that teaches you the technique of putting your attacker on the floor and allowing you to either run or whatever.  Judo is by far the best for learning quickly the methods of defending yourself from an attacker.  Within just a few lessons you'll feel the confidence to prevent an attack by just about anybody.  I learned Karate!  What a waste of time that was, and I was good at it.

  2. I know you don't want to roll around on the concrete, but I'm sure you would rather no one attacked you in the first place. Being on the ground is a aspect of fighting. I know a lot of people say that you can't defend a lot of people from the ground, but once someone puts you there wouldn't you like to know how to get up again? I just personally started in Brazilian Jujitsu. I had taken 3 years of taekwondo in my earlier years. My first time rolling with someone I think he was about your weight maybe a little heavier. I'm 250, and he was able to easily get me off of him. It took a little longer to put me in a submission, but he did it. Once he got me off of him he could have kicked me or punched me or just simply ran away. I wouldn't worry about getting dirty in a fight on the ground if I were you. Just train for as many aspects of a fight as you can. If you need it then you'll have it.

  3. try korean songham taekwondo. i recommend the American Taekwondo Association. I've been attending classes there for about three years. I have a second degree black belt. I don't think they would teach you how to do a KO in five seconds but it covers just about everything else you mentioned and they teach you a lot of self defense the only problem i see is that it will take you about six to ten months to really understand how to fight and it takes a lot of discipline but i do say it is worthwhile because once you master your techniques it becomes second nature to you.

  4. i would go with karate. It is very balanced with strikes, elbows, kicks, and some take down defense. Each style of karate is different though.

    and theethee TWD would be almost useless when fighting a brawler in the streets since they'll try to rush you the whole time. TWD is a more ranged martial art.  

  5. No martial art without actual street fighting experience is going to help you against a real tough street fighter because there are no rules in the streets.  And they'll be used to taking hits.  But if I had to choose, I'd probably go either boxing (since ppl don't really kick a whole lot and combat will be most likely up close) or Hapkido - you can lock your opponents without killing them, punch, kick, and incorporates some judo.  Judo, wresting, muay thai would be good to learn to for ground fighting.  Or you can try various mixed martial arts too, which are pretty popular these days.  And as the 1st poster said, all of these aren't going to help you against a bullet that will be faster than any of your body parts.

  6. mixed martial arts would be most appropriate, just find a place that has labeled sparring grappling classes.

  7. check out this guys school, its in your general area. I trained w/ him in wing chun, he now fuses wing chun w/ speznaz ( russian special forces stuff). He's real good with very realistic training. Be prepared to go live.


  9. Their are two that would be perfect: Muay Thai for striking and Brazilian Ju-jitsu for ground fighting--since most fights end up going to the ground.

  10. The best thing you can do is to start learning to box if you want to do that.  If you can't afford lessons, see if there is a PAL, Boys/Girls Club or something like that in your area that has lessons.  Those are usually cheap or free.

    Situational awareness is the best thing for self defense.  I don't pity you if you are looking for trouble and get your head pounded in.  Learn to avoid, diffuse, or escape violent situations.  After all, you can't get hit if you aren't there.

  11. find out whats near to you and start trainign any martial art will help you out at least in some way plus trainign to punch and kick properly is always good in a street fight.

    yes you can break somoenes knee if you kick it but it you kick it from the side or sligly behind it will just bend and maybe hurt a but so aim closer to the front of it but still the side.

  12. Simple answer. Either move some place else or pack a gun.

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