
What martial art would be best for me, as a big guy?

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Let me specify - I am 330 lbs, and 6'4" or so, and not in very good shape (you might have guessed lol). Me and a couple buddies (who are in pretty good shape) have discussed taking a martial arts class together. I really want to take a judo or jujitsu class, but my concern is not for my physical shape (I can take it), but for the poor sap who gets paired up with me. Would someone with no experience (I have none) being paired up with me in such a class be an abysmal experience for him? Should I look at more of a striking art, as opposed to a grappling art, or will me being a big guy not really ruin someone else's day?




  1. no they wouldn't hate you, im a small guy in a BJJ class and I spare with much bigger guys all the time, although I am a bit more experienced though

    in BJJ, you can do it even though you are big, but the other guy being smaller, really shouldn't put him at a disadvantage (of course thats assuming you are paired with somebody that does know what they are doing)

  2. I'm also a big guy like yourself.  I'm 6'6'' and weigh about 270.  I have taken several martial arts throughout my life and have acquired many skills and abilities from each one.  

    My advice to you would be not to limit yourself to just one type.  Ever consider MMA?

    MMA is a blending of kickboxing, wrestling, submissions, takedowns, and boxing.  It can be tailored to fit any fighter and plays to everyone's strengths.  If you find a good gym, I guarantee you will loose weight, become stronger, faster, and more flexible.

    As far as your size being a problem for someone else, in MMA size matters on the ground and reach matters when standing up, but that's only if you know how to use it.  At first you may not be able to use it to your advantage, but after a while, that will change.

  3. try judo. alot of grapples and take downs are involved

  4. sound like the perfect candidate for it. You can really use your wieght as an asset.

    Just a thought

  5. DARE Pilates... Australian Style.

  6. I would say Judo would be a great fit for you, but in reality it is whatever that trains realistically for you, is close to you and is affordable. Find a place you like above everything else, some place you are looking forward to going to, and not dreading on a daily basis.

    As far as being a big guy actually it runs counter to your thinking.

    Personally I would rather throw big dudes around then smaller dudes, because if I can throw a 330lbs dude, then I know I can throw a 200lbs dude pretty easy. So if someone has the right mindset, they appreciate a bigger guy, it gives them yet another body type. They learn what will work on a bigger guy and what won't.

    (For example, rear throws work very well against someone your size, forward throws, not so much).

    Also working with a bigger opponent helps with conditioning, it takes more muscle and more oxygen to move you around then someone smaller.

    But in addition to that, as I have been a bigger guy I find that there is always someone just as big, or big enough to pair up with. More than likely you fill find a class with another big guy who is happy to see you in there.

    There will be a few people who may avoid you, mostly people who are only comfortable pushing themselves so far, or who just don't think they will get any benefit. So you won't have to worry about someone being irritated, more than likely those who wouldn't want to be paired up with you, won't be paired up with you. Those that do, will be in your face and ready to go everytime.

    The thing about Judo or BJJ or any grappling art is that it is mutually beneficial. Both parties are learning at the same time. It isn't one person throwing a punch over and over again not getting anything while the other blocks. It is very interactive, and both people are learning and improving together.

    A bigger person is a good opportunity to build confidence in your understanding of leverage, in conditioning, and in technique over muscle. As a big person you will get a chance to go against guys close to your size, as well as people smaller and faster than you. Ideally any grappler wants to go with as many different body types as he can, so that he is always prepared.

    So don't sweat it, find a place you dig and go for it. It will change your life.

  7. Judo, BJJ, or Sambo would be an absolutely perfect match with you. I can tell you from personal experience as a 175lber that grappling with guys over 275 is a learning experience in itself, so at the end of the day, any decent grappler will probably be thankful that you're studying with them.

    If you want to ruin someone's day with striking, you seem like a good candidate for Kyokushin Karate.

  8. Anything really!

    Because since you are bigger they will not focus on strength so much. They would work on your speed and agillity, so come fight'n time you will be the ULITMATE MONSTER UNLEASED

    But I would recommend JuJitsu

  9. I'm a big guy like you, I'm 6'5" and 290 and I took boxing classes for about 3 months. I'd suggest that, luckily there were a few guys over 6 feet tall and well built in my class which made for really fun sparring sessions. It's a great workout, I lost about ten pounds the first month and that was only when I was going 4 times a week for an hour and a half. Boxing works great in self defense, you'd be surprised how easily you can put someone down with 2 stiff jabs.

  10. You are already difficult to move around, so grappling is not going to make as much of an impact on your self-defense ability as a striking art which will improve your mobility and control of opponents at range.  With striking arts you will also be challenged by smaller, more nimble fighters so you won't have to worry about ruining their day.  I assume you have seen demonstrations of Karate, Wing Chun, Choy Lei Fut, Hung Gar, etc.. , if not then fire them up on youtube and attend some sample classes to see which style is one you can see yourself sticking to long-term.  And find a reputable teacher.

  11. take boxing, in most self defense situations that your likely to encounter your opponent will be reluctant to try for a take down.  A proficient boxer has great foot work and superior hand skills over 90% of unlearned fighters. Your size coupled with boxing would make you a formidable opponent

    details:  Smaller opponents that are at your skill level or close to it will hate rolling with you since your size and strength will be too much for them to handle.  Against a person much more technically advanced your just a meat target.  When a guy of your size comes into the gym for the first time all of us little guys love tapping them out before they begin learning how to defend properly.

  12. Judo or MMA

  13. Karate (Goju Style)

    They practice very practical movements, simple, fast & quick one-two movements drills for easy application & for all ages...

  14. I would say judo since they have a lot of heavyweights do well at your size.

    You will find you are quite popular rather than being a turn off.

    Clubs love having heavyweights, we are like 'flagships'.

    Lighter guys especially love to work out with heavier classes to develope their strength.

    At the start, regarding your concerns, for very large beginners a coach will ensure adequate partners. In other words making sure at least of you is quite experienced.

    Some exercises and move practice it doesn't matter anyway. In judo or wrestling you can practice standing trips, sweeps, armdrags etc. with the skinniest beginner in the room.

    And once you learn to control your weight you can spar anyone else in any way.

    I spar the kids I train and I was elite 286lb division back in the day. :)

  15. your concern shouldn't be for others, though admirable

    you should be concerned with

    losing weight- health concerns

    you won't have sparring until you understand the art

    don't worry about the sparring yet

    karate is the best

    to many reasons  to list

    but here's 2


    and defense

  16. dude heres a tip. i do bjj. And I think you should too its a great martial art , its grappling so you can use your strength. But do us all a favor if you get top position , fckin DO SOMETHING with it. Dont just grab a little guy and lay on him with ur giant sweaty as*. lol , thats just the only thing we hate. stay active , unless its like a compotion or something , but if you all are just rolling and ur rolling with like a 135 pnd guy , dont just lay on him and grab him , so that way you learn more moves , and he dosent have to die of your bo.

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