
What martial arts did Bruce Lee do?

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Do you think he is the best fighter of all time?

What style of martial arts did he learn?

And who was hes teachers?




  1. Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun kung fu under Sifu Yip Man.

    Bruce Lee was an unremarkable martial artists in the eyes of China based kung fu practitioners, but he made a sensation here in the USA.

    Later on Bruce Lee studied many other martial arts, Tae Kwon Do under Jhoon Rhee and Judo under Gene LeBell for example, and incorporated those techniques he liked best into his mixed martial art called Jeet Kune Do.

    Before Bruce Lee, Bruce Tegner developed the first mixed martial art in the US which he called JUKADO.

  2. Alright... Let's see how well I can answer this...

    Do I think he's the best fighter of all time? No. I think he held himself back by being so concerned with what would look good on film. All you have to do is listen to his old home movies of his training groups.

    Styles of martial arts he learned that I'm aware of:

    Wing Chun (obviously), Savate, Eskrima/Kali, Wrestling, Boxing, Jujutsu, Muay Thai, Fencing, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and I'm sure more. These are simply the ones he references in his notes.

    Teachers... Hrm... Other than Yip Man, I'm not sure. I wouldn't doubt that he would have counted Dan Inosanto and Chuck Norris among his teachers as well as his students. He just strikes me as that kind of guy.

  3. You ask several questions.

    Bruce Lee practiced Wing Chun before developing his Jeet Kun Do fighting style.

    Bruce is not the best fighter of all time, but he certainly was exceptional for his time. Chuck Norris writes very highly of Bruce's ability.

    I don't know the names of his teachers, but you can find it on the internets by googling it.

  4. Everytime I read "he created his own STYLE of fighting"I imagine LEE spinning in his grave.He was pestered into giving his ideas a name by others and when you look at it way of the intercepting fist could describe the advanced theorys of any style.

    In short we all get there whether we follow his concepts or not .He was cocky but not arrogant enough to think others wouldn't come to the same conclusions he did before and after him.

    What he created was a philosophy of training that could be applied to any style not imitating his technique and movements which as he loved to say about other styles would leave you "trapped" in  jeet kune do .

    Fame and the aura of invincibility was his bread and butter risking it in matches would have been stupid and even he wasn't arrogant enough to believe no one could beat him .

    That stupidity is reserved to the idiots who came long after his death.

  5. "As an adolescent, Bruce Lee studied the martial arts style of Wing Chun and was a student of Yip Man in Hong Kong. Later, he learned other arts as well as the sports of western boxing and European fencing.."

    and he eventually developed his own style of fighting known as "Jeet Kune Do:

  6. I'm afraid I can not remember the source but I once read of the arts that Lee was most interested in (that was not mentioned here) was Korean Hapkido. I remember this because I have been training it for many years now so it had some relevance for me.

    Hapkido embraces a "flexible" attitude to your fighting style. Training involves many scenarios at various distances and both stand up and ground fighting. While this is not necessarily unique I do have fun at class where a lot of the concepts from Lee's Tao of Jeet Kune Do are drilled.

    Whether Lee received formal training in any other arts is beside the point. His ability came from his desire to experience ALL arts, and his book is a guide for fighters to see past the walls of any one style and embrace the good found in any style.

  7. stslavik.

    i agree 100%. right on dude

  8. Bruce Lee started with Wing Chun Kung Fu

    Later on he learned many other fighting styles such as wrestling, boxing,savate,Jui Jitsu,kickboxing, and many other fighting styles and incorporated them into 1 fighting style called Jeet Kun Do.

    He had many teachers.Yip Man from Hong Kong taught him Wing Chun

    He was the greatest fighter of all time. (just my opinion)

  9. The Art Of Kicking ***

  10. I agree for the most part with stslavik, the only thing I might add is that the style he mentions, Bruce Lee never actually learned except for maybe boxing. He learned and picked different techniques from them, but definetly not the same style.

    As for best fighter not a chance. There are no official records to indicate that he ever really fought. the only thing we have are stories from people who knew him, and quite honestly everybody exagerates.  

  11.   Bruce Lee was ONE of the greatest fighters of all time, but not the greatest.  He was taught Wing Chung by Yip Man, at a young age.  He continued his training with various arts including, but not limited to Savate (French kickboxing), Filipino Martial Arts (Kali, Escrima, Silat and Arnis de Mano), Western Boxing, Judo, Muay Thai, Fencing, Hapkido, and read many book about the Martial Arts, philosophy, and combat.  His teachers include, but are not limited to Yip Man and Dan Inosanto. He created his concept art of Jeet Kune Do/Jun Fan Gung Fu (The way of the intercepting fist). Many view him as the father of Mixed Martial Arts. I am a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do Chug Do Kwan, and going to take Jeet Kune Do/Kali.


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