
What martial arts is the best for fighting multiple people?

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What martial arts is the best for fighting multiple people?




  1. Sprinting.

  2. One of my instructors used kickboxing to destroy 3 guys who were bigger than him in a 3 on 1 fight. the 3 had metal poles and he had nothing. He sent them all to the hospital and he walked away unharmed.

  3. Striking arts: Shaolin kung fu (claw,rake,groin hits) , Muay Kaddor or Boron (clinch,joint attacks), krav maga, Ninjitsu

    Grappling arts : Shuai jiao (chinese fast wrestling, great counters against strikes), Judo (more strength oriented), Brazilian jujitsu (for escapes and counters only.

    The striking arts I mentioned are excellent for multiple opponents and uses many stredgies.

    The grappling arts I mentioned are in order of effectivness against mutiple attackers. I think shuai jiao is the most versatile for this situation. Bjj against mutiple oppoents should only be used for defense. For example, if you get taken down by one of the guys, you will know how to get back to your feet using Bjj escapes. NEVER  rely on groundfighting when fighting alot of people.

      But, like many people are saying on here, getting the away is the first option. 1 VS 7 arent odds I like. So running will be my first bet. But, if your in at a house party or closed enviroment, you will have no choice but to fight. This is when you use object around you. Kinda like those Jackie chan movies., lol, but seriously. Judomofo had a great answer as well.

    Hope this helps. Just my humble opinion

  4. Honestly this question gets asked two to three times a day.

    Don't believe me?

    There is always people spouting off about different arts.

    The truth is there is no best. Most multiple attacker scenarios present themselves in ways that are not able to be replicated or trained for.

    People have some sort of idea of them standing their ground up against 3 or more people, lining them up and just dealing with them.

    That is lunacy, furthermore such thought is dangerous.

    Realistically, you better be doing all you can to get away.

    If you are cornered have no avenue for escape, then you blast through one guy and make your way out of there.

    Honestly there aren't too many scenarios I can think of where one can't get away.

    But if you are in one, thinking a Martial Art or any unnarmed technique is going to help you, you are kidding yourself. Weapons are needed, and a sincere hope that your opponents aren't armed. But even in that case, it is best to use a weapon to get the h**l up out of there.

    Half the arts people reccomend I have taken, and the good ones tell you that a win in a multiple attacker scenario is to escape with as little damage as possible.

    People will list all sorts of arts they never studied, or what they think teaches it. But every single art that realistically deals with it, doesn't have a romantic Kung Fu movie notion about it. It has a utilitarian, no shame or ego in getting the heck out of there philosophy.

    So you can take what people give you, but you are better off finding some other purpose for studying than thinking you can take on multiple opponents and leave them all in a crumbling heap.

  5. i could basicly copy and past it from the first answer cause thats my vote

  6. I agree with Anti thesis and David n. In the event you are cornered I agree with Judomofo wholeheartidly, We actually train multiple attacker scenarios at our school and my instructors advice, and what we train for, is to open an avenue of escape and get away as soon as possible.

    Staying and fighting is just dumb, and will only lead to you getting hurt, or worse. Take one guy and plow through him and keep going. Liek I said we train it, but the goal is always to get away as safely as possible.  

  7. krav teaches you to keep one enemy between you and the rest so you dont fight multiple enemies

  8. obviously the best style is chinese monkey snake death fang gojo ryu japanese fusion core jitsu because it summons the power of the snake and monkey together who always fight off multiple enemies in the wild every day, so if you study this style you will be unbeatable no matter how many enemies there are.  or you can study under jet li and learn how to fly and do the thunder clap.. that is where when 100 enemies are charging at you you fly into the air and clap your hands together, making all the enemies fly back exactly 50 feet through a window, making them all fall to their  death.  either of those will work.

  9. Brand new pair of nike running shoes.  

  10. Krav Maga, Ninjutsu, Systema

  11. kenjutsu or kikyobut fu

    nah actually there really is no one martial art that teaches you to fight multiple people that is the "best"

    I would reccomend that for that you take a self-defense course (not a martial arts class), say FASTdefense or any other adrenal stress response training course. they'll teach you how to use your fear and the adrenal rush for you instead of against you, which really is the deciding factor in violent encounters.

    actually, you know what would work really well? parkour! basically the art of running away. that's probably the most effective way to survive a multiple attacker scenario.

  12. try something that uses swords. if you have a sword and they are unarmed you have a massive advantage.

  13. Shooting,  seriously.

  14. a weapon art.

    don't believe the movies, unless you are a huge monster size powerlifter, and your opponents are midgets, then you will ALWAYS be at a huge disadvantage against a group.

    its not the movies where people come at you one at a time and wait for the others.

    any unarmed art is going to be difficult- grappling makes it more difficult because IMO you have less mobility to "stick and move" to avoid bieng hit yourself. of course grappling IMO against multiples would be more defensive to avoid bieng tackled and beat down and stomped when you are on the ground, important defensively, but I wouldn't choose to tie up with someone standing when a "moving" tactical approach can be taken.

    IMO- against multiple opponents a "moving" tactical approach is the only hope unless you have an assault rifle or handgrenade in your pocket and can justify its use legally (which you probably can't if they are at range for you to use it).

    unless of course you can use your surroundings but the weapon IMO is more effective and makes you such because it does more hurt to a person with each strike as opposed to a punch or kick and you can remain more mobile.  of course if you can get into an area people can only come at you one at a time then congratulations bruce lee movie here we come- but thats not very likely to happen.

  15. None.  Not one martial art has proven completely successful against a single opponent every time (I'm saying this as a mixed martial artist).

    Fighting multiple people is unrealistic and really doesn't work.  You're best off learning how to run away and carrying some sort of (legal) weapon (I still recommend running away).

    If no style can beat one person every single time, how do you expect it to do against two or three?

    Get into good shape and learn how to run.

  16. Systema

  17. Japanese Jiu-jitsu.

    Best wishes :)***

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