
What martial arts limits hand/arm use?

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I shattered both arms and had 8 operations on my left to get it about 90% of where it was and my right wrist is still broken with a huge hole in the bone. Also pins are sticking out of this plate and the pain is extreme. I am not sure what the state of this wrist will be. Any strength put on the wrist really REALLY hurts so a good answer would be very appeciated. Thanjs guys!!!




  1. Well I would suggest WTF rule TaeKwonDo (WTF stands for World TaeKwonDo Federation) because it doesn't use hand techniques as much as other Martial Arts...but you will DEFINETELY get hit in the arms while sparring (unaviodable)

    Don't try ITF TaeKwonDo either, it uses about 70% kicking, 30% hand.

    Sorry, don't know any other good martial arts for you to try

  2. you should try olympic tae kwan do most of it is foot used

  3. I would not recomend TKD just for the simple fact that they kick hard, and there is going to be a certian amount of contact with your arms, even if they try to avoid it.

    I agree with the person who suggested Tai Chi. It will help you learn balance, focus, breathing and the techniwues you do are actually very effective for self defense if trained correctly. I would start out with just learning the forms, and as you heal you will be able to add push hands training, when you and your instructor think you are ready.

    Actually in a way it is ideal, because you will have time to learn proper form and technique first. Tai Chi is about the only non contact martial art at the lower ranks that I can think of.

    Maybe find a karate class and just focus on learning kata at first, with no contact with the bags or other students, until you are sufficiantly healed. Again you will have plenty of time to learn right from the start. Any good instructor should be willing to work with you so that you can train, but not re injure yourself. Anyone who has done Martial Arts for very long has had to learn to train around injuries.

    Hope this helps.

  4. That sounds horribly painful. I'm so sorry to hear that.

    Are you still recovering?

    I have a suggestion that might work for you.

    Why not take up Tai-Chi for a while longer, until you get better. It's a good all-around exercise and it will get your body introduced to some of the movements you will encounter later in martial arts.

    When the pain in your wrists is not so intense anymore, perhaps Ki-aikido would work for you. You want to avoid the harder Yoseikan style. But the softer styles are all geared towards avoiding the use of muscular strength. A lot of people have to learn not to force things through to make them work. In your case, your limitations could become an advantage in many ways.

    The only problem I see with Aikido is that it involves a lot of wrist locks. So you'll want to take it slow. Actually, the wrists locks do develop strength and flexibility in the wrists, but I wouldn't want you to put undue strain on them either. You should talk to the instructor to let him know your special condition (and don't be afraid to let your training partners know there are some things you're not comfortable with - you may have to sit certain exercises out and so forth, but all are welcome to train). You should also talk to your doctor and ask him what he thinks of this idea, of course.

    Best of luck to you.

    Take care.

  5. Tae kwon do mostly uses kicks and limits hand strikes, however the chances are you will get hit on your wrist when you spar.  Find a local TKD school and describe your problem, if they are any good they should be able to work around what ever problems you have.  You could try and protect your arms by padding them up!

    Hope this helps :-)

    EDIT: Check this guy out.

    He has Thalidomide, which is a disease...well you can see for yourself.  So don't get disheartened if he can do it so can you :-)

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