
What material goods can you buy that will increase in value, the longer you own them?

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Apart from property. (yes, I know that at the moment property is loosing value in some countries)




  1. Good cars, like rare expensive models and classics.

  2. Paintings, gold, diamonds, wine

  3. GOLD!!!

  4. There is absolutely nothing you can buy that is guaranteed to increase in value.  Absolutely nothing whatsoever.  

    Designer clothes - LMAO

  5. I don't think you can generalise. It would be goods that don't continue to be made, or become more expensive to obtain. One bottle of wine, oil painting, jewellery may increase dramatically whereas another may not. Like any investment there is an element of knowledge (and luck!). A certain car may become an icon and therfore increase in value (like a VW camper van). A good watch (Rolex etc.) or something that you can use and enjoy might be a good idea.

  6. Art. Designer clothes.

  7. Not many items fit into that category. Fine wine and fine art are possibilities.

  8. This is pointless. If the answer was known then more people would save them so in the future they would be worth very little.

    You should save things that no one wants they could be worth a lot later

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