
What material is a snooker ball made out of?

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What material is a snooker ball made out of?




  1. ivory

  2. thermoset resin.

    "Thermoset" is an adjective used to describe synthetic substances that set permanently when heated. And resin, in addition to being the sticky stuff that comes out of trees, is a "solid or liquid synthetic organic polymer used as the basis of plastics, adhesives, varnishes, etc."

    As it turns out, billiard balls have played a vital role in the creation of polymers, or synthetic plastics. An interesting tidbit from the Polymer Selection Database explains:

    One of the first developments of plastics was as a replacement to ivory billard balls, due to the dwindling supply of ivory. As far back as 1866, elephants were being slaughtered at an alarming rate to keep up with the demand for ivory billiard balls, billards having become America's favorite pastime.

    No more eight balls made from elephants. Ain't science grand?



  3. Snooker balls were originally made of ivory. In the 1920s they attempted to use composite materials for them, but they very rarely exploded, because they contain some of the same chemicals as gunpowder. Today, they are made up of phenolic resin. Hope this helps!

  4. i always thought they were wood? they sound wood when you clink them together..

  5. Pig fat and icecream

  6. cast Phenolic resin

    Ivory was always the material most favoured in the manufacture of billiard balls and although a composition type was available, they did not gain preference in championship play until the late 1920's. There was a problem with some early types of composition ball, which had a tendency to 'explode'!

    The composition included the same material that had been developed for the making of gun powder! Now, of course, ivories have disappeared and all recognised competitions are played with composition balls made of a cast phenolic resin and they must meet specifications laid down by IBSF and WPBSA.

  7. Originally snooker balls were made of ivory. Although in the 1920's composite materials were available, they had a tendency to explode, as they contained some of the materials which comprise gunpowder. Not suprising they didn't catch on then. Modern competition snooker balls, on the basis that elephants don't play snooker and therefore shouldn't die for their production, are made from phenolic resin and must confirm to regulated standards. Jusr how many phenolics have died in order that the elephant be spared is anybody's guess.

  8. Phenolic resin. The colour of the ball is determined by adding a dye to the resin in its liquid state.

    Originally, snooker balls were painted ivory but the problems of this are obvious. The paint comes off, making the ball lose its colour, and the ivory is distorted. After several years action, the ivory ball is no longer spherical, making play more a matter of luck than of skill. And of course, making snooker balls is a tragic waste of a beautiful elephant.

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