
What math level do you think a ... homeschooler should be at?

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According to public schools I'm going into 10th grade. What math do you think I should be on for that grade? (I'm trying to get an idea of what to realistically aim for.)




  1. Really they might get low level of marks .

    I to had the same prob. in the 10th std.then  i joined a tuition in my diploma 1st yr. and i scored 100% of marks

  2. It all depends on the homeschooler.

    Many schools will have either Geometry or Algebra II in 10th; if you're a math whiz, maybe Trig.

    You're not required to take a Calc class before you graduate, in any state.  You're required to take Algebra I before you graduate, in most.  For some majors, you'll need to show that you've had a Calc class, but you don't need one to graduate (unless your parents require one).

    I would take a placement test to see where you are.  If you're strong in math, you may find that you're ahead.  If not, you'll probably find that you're right on track.

    Honestly, I was recently in a 10th grade math classroom, and my 10yo could do the worksheets that were lying on the counter.  Now he is strong in math, but I'm not, and *I* could do them, lol.  (I passed algebra 15 years ago by promising to never take it again.)

    Algebra II or Geometry are the "traditional" 10th grade classes.  However, you are free to go with whatever level you're at.  I would go more by what your prospective colleges will want to see than what a public school would do.


  3. Traditionally, 10th grade is either geometry or algebra II/ Trig.  I would recommend taking a placement test, though, because you could be at a higher or lower level.  Saxon Math offers a great placement test on their website.  Although the tests are geared toward their math text, the results could be applied to any text or math program.  


    You would want the test for upper grades.

  4. Caitlin,

    I think that it depends on the homeschooler.

    If you have college plans, you will need to check with the college of your choice for their requirements.

    Honest confession here:

    I have learned more math in teaching my son than I ever learned in public school.     I have heard that the SAT math portion is basically Algebra 1.  ( I have also read where many colleges are no longer requiring SAT tests.)

    So, learn where you are.   Public school grade levels were put in effect for thousands of students in a particular state.

    Lucky you, you don't have to worry about thousands of students.    Realistically aim for your goals and pick a  math book that is at your level and start from there.

  5. What did you do last year? If you are homeschooling then you don't have to follow what the public is doing. You work your way through at your own pace. If you did Algebra 2 last year and are comfortable with it, move on to Geometry. Try taking a placement test to see where your strenghts are and at what level you should be at.

  6. i had the same problems.parents probably arent teaching you too much??Homeschooling hardly ever works makes kids fall behind.Ive been homeschooled almost my whole life.Hate it.I am going to b a senior.Sucks i am so behind.I hope u can catch up.Wish i could give u some advice.Hey add me on

  7. the one you are at

  8. geometry

  9. It just depends on were you are , If I went to public school i would be in 11th grade, But in math im behind so I would be in 9th grade math , But I have a learning disability  in math , So it just depends on the person. I have friends who are in 9th grade and doing college level math and im doing 9th grade stuff.

    Dont worry what public schools think, they believe all kids should learn the same way , but ever student is different so jut work with what you want.

  10. It sort of depends not only on whether you plan to go to college, but also on what you ALREADY know and what you plan to study in college.  Obviously, if you plan to enter a field of study that is Math and Science intensive, you need to be further along now than if you plan to be a English major.

    It is typical to take Pre-Algebra in 7th or 8th grade.

    Algebra 1 in 8th or 9th

    Geometry in 9th or 10th

    Algebra 2 in 10th or 11th

    Advanced math thereafter (Precalculus, trigonometry, calculus, etc.)

    However, no matter where you *should* be, you have to start where you are.  If you have taken Algebra 1, then going into Geometry or Algebra 2 makes sense, if you haven't taken Algebra 1, you can't jump into those other levels.

    There is a great Math curriclum available that explains things VERY clearly.  Its called Teaching Textbooks, on their website they also have free placement tests for downloading, that would tell you exactly which level of their curriculum you are ready for.

    Don't worry if aren't "where you should be", just start where you are and begin working.  Even if you are behind, its better to start now and get as much math as you can before college than it is to try to start in a level that you aren't ready for and not make any progress.

  11. home schooler should be at 3 or 4 levels above.

  12. Pre-calculus or trigonometry.  Because you should have at least one calculus course by the time you graduate high school (12th grade in the US).

    Hmm.. four thumbs-down and counting.  I guess the US primary education system has changed since I went through it:  9th grade: geometry, 10th grade: trigonometry, 11th grade: precalculus, 12th grade: calculus 1.

  13. In India, government recognized public or private school is a must. Homeschooling is illegal. However, children going to school can be taught by parents or private tutors at home.

    I used to teach my children at home. I was my self a good student which I still am at the age of 64. Besides I used to enjoy teaching and consider myself a good teacher. I retired as a chemical engineer at the age of 43 and started giving private tuitions to students of XII Grade and had a very successful and enjoyable career for 18 years. Now I have my own free educational website and participate actively in Yahoo.

    To answer your question, homeschooling by parents is good as long as it brings results. If a child is getting good grades, it is fine. But as the child grows and enters higher grades, it is possible that homeschooling may no longer be as successful as used to be. If the child starts falling behind peers, it is better to either have a good private tutor or join the school.

  14. The beauty of homeschooling is that the opinion of your local public school is irrelevant.

    Instead of trying to figure out where the school claims you should be, figure out where you actually are...and take it from there.  

    For example, many kids in 10th grade are taking geometry, but are still counting on their fingers for basic math calculations.  Homeschooling gives these students a chance to assess their skills, back up if necessary, and get those math facts down before moving on.  A motivated student can get a year's worth of high school math done in just a few months.

  15. If you are college bound you want to look at what the colleges you are looking into expect. Generally a college prep track would include 4 *Carnegie units of Math (pre algebra would not be considered high school level work).   These units could be Algebra I 9th grade, Alg II in 10th gr, Geometry in 11th, and an advanced math such as Trig in 12th.  This is what the Georgia University System recommends.  Other advanced math classes this track could include Statistics, Analysis (Pre-Calc), and Calculus etc.  

    That said, not everyone is on the college bound track and there is nothing wrong with that.  Some students for numerous reasons will not go to college but it is always good to gear yourself so that you have that choice later should your needs change.

    *A Carnegie unit is a set measure of how much work a student has done.  Usually 120 hours of work in one subject is considered one Carnegie unit.

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