
What mathematical symbol or formula is equal to God?

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What mathematical symbol or formula is equal to God?




  1. Zeus ^ (4)

  2. There is no such symbol or formula.

    I hope that helps. :)


  3. alpah and/ or omega?


  5. None, by definition. Mathematics explains the way things are by the use of abstract symbols that apply to concrete things and interactions. If God by definition encompasses everything that is, was, or will be, then mathematics describes reality and even imagination in finite and limited terms, and thus cannot be equal to the infinite, which by definition is everything. God is also "actus purus" (look it up), and by definition DOES not only WHAT He is but also WHO he is. Example: how can you separate the dancer from the dance? He rules by "fiat," and "let it be" IS the creation and nature of the thing or action.

  6. There is no formula equal to God.  Even e^[(pi) * i] - 1 = 0 doesn't compare.

  7. God = Omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, creative being.

    Its not mathematical but its the closest I can come to a coherent answer to your question.

  8. i would say 7 or the infinity symbol :-)

  9. minus

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