
What matters more, your grade in an AP class or the actual grade of the exam?

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I just got my AP world history grade in the mail- i got a 3. However, i have an A for the first semester and B for the second semester of the class itself.

This was my first AP class and exam and i was wondering what matters more: the grade in the class or the exam grade? I'm only a sophomore and want to know weather or not i should be worried about getting a 3 or not. after all, a 3 translates to "qualified."




  1. o.o wow yu must be a smart butt sophmore with AP classes... ^^ uhm... yu shouldnt be worried... yu still get all the credits considering yur still a sophmore passing an AP class is good :3 unless yur azn yu passed... dont take it too hard on yurself... and uhm... goodluck~!

  2. Long-term, the AP grade matters most as it gives you college credit that would be much more expensive if you took the class in college.  A 3 gives you full credit for a course, and puts you ahead of the game in college.  Good job!

    For the short term - your GPA is important, too.  It sounds like you are doing well in the class and don't need to worry too much.  Once you get into a school, your AP score kicks in and is more important than your grade in the class because you get more benefit from it (the credits!)

    Congrats!  History is not easy for most...

  3. The score matters more than the grade, as the grading scales are assessed by school and the AP scores are standardized nationally.

  4. Your grade in the class counts as your history grade in high school but means nothing more than that to colleges. It affects your GPA and if colleges want to base their admissions on that then it's important in that way. Personally I think the AP test score is more important because the colleges give you a certain amount of credit for the class depending on how good you grade was. In most cases if you passed the class, which you did, the college will let you count that as completing their equivalent class. However, some prestigious schools are very picky about AP scores and you have to do individual research with what they will and won't accept. So both are important but it looks like you've got it all covered. Keep up the good work!

  5. Grade in class?

    Expose how one is doing among the crowd.

    Grade in exam?

    Expose how one can be uprade to next level of study.

    Like playing game boy.

    With every hit at each level.

    Then wil know one is advancing or being left behind with time.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  6. The word "qualified" here is somewhat misleading, considering most private colleges and all Ivy leagues will not accept a 3 on World History. The fact that you dropped from an A to a B this year also matters, but since you're only a sophomore, junior year should really be your concern. If you are that worried about World History, you can either cancel it or try harder in junior year

  7. I heard what you got on the AP test doesn't matter much at all. What does matter is whether you got a 3 or above because that makes you eligible for a GPA boost.

  8. The grade in an AP class matters the most b/c schools will be looking at the overall grade, not the exam. all schools will be looking at the grade u got for the overall for both semesters, not the tests, and exams. good luck

    p.s maybe they will look into both. but make sure u get high scores on both. good luck once again

  9. the grade in the AP class. it's the actual grade total of every exams, tests, class work, and homework. but exams do effect your grade a lot. BUT i think the grade in the AP class matters more than the exams.

  10. the actual exam matters whether you'll be receiving a college credit not your grade in class.

  11. When talking about college acceptance, the grade in the class matters more...they will compare this to the grades of neighboring high schools and your own peers to see how you are relatively. But once you get into college then of course the AP exam grade matters more...for credit and higher level courses.

  12. qualified means you earned college credit for that class.  credit means that you don't have to take it in college.  that adds up to money saved in college.  so I would guess the most important thing is the grade on the exam.  congratulations!!!

  13. the grade matter more, when colleges look at ur transcript they look at ur grades... a lotta people got into better colleges than me b/c of grades and not test scores...just remember this best saying ever that i live by now but i used to refuse to listen to it before "success has little to do with intelligence" it's really how hard u work and that shows in ur grades, not ur test scores

  14. The grade you received in the class matters most. Remember that colleges will see all your AP scores you've ever received only after you are accepted. Your AP scores will not be used for admission. They, however, will be used to determine if you can receive college credit, so you can save money. Colleges are happy enough that you took an AP class and got an A and B in it, instead of a regular class to get an easy A. Since this is your first AP test, a three is a very good score. Keep up the good work!

  15. some colleges dont accept 3's for college credit anymore you need like a 4 or 5 but anyway i feel the exam counts more becuase it is standard and you're class may have been easy thats why you got an a but i can be entirely wrong.

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