
What matters more Age or Experience?

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So I am 15 years old and a sophomore. And I want your guys opionion on something cause im upset over it and just want to see what other people think. So I did yearbook my freshmen year at high school and 7th and 8th grade as well, although it was a lot smaller book, both years in Middle school I was chief editor. Last year as a freshman I did a lot of extra working coming in after school and on weekends and sometimes staying there till 10:00 at night. I and one other person were the only ones to come back, she is a senior now, so she is chief editor. We also got a new adviser. We started working on the book all three of us together last year around May. They tell me yesterday that they don't think I should be one of the four regular editors because I'm only a sophomore and it would be hard for me to handle juniors and seniors. and instead do this other management position. This all of the other student s first year in yearbook, my 4th now. I asked if it was going to affect me being editor next year and she said that were not gonna go over that now, so I might not even be editor in chief. Oh and they also won't even give me a try to be an editor even though I have always had very exceptional leadership abilities. So my question is do you think it is fair to put an older inexperienced person in a higher position because of there age. Or does it make more since to put the person with more experience regardlessof age in charge? Because I hink if I have more dedication and experience than people older than me I should still be editor. What do you guys think?




  1. i think your should do it not some older person that knows nothing!

  2. I agree with you. You sound like you love yearbook. Fight for your position.  

  3. I think you made your question too long.  With more experience, you would have boiled it down to an amount people would read.

  4. High school is all about hierarchy.

    I don't think a lot of seniors and juniors would take it well if you were in charge no offense.

    I'm sure you'll get the position when you're older though.

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