
What matters the most to you in life? ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. My dora the explorer

  2. being happy

  3. future, family, friends

  4. myself hehe im joking uim probs my friends and fmilyy and all of my pets

  5. Stop all the oppression from government, business, and other people so I simply can live.  

  6. How my loved ones, especially my kids, are getting along in their lives; that all is coming along well.

  7. Right now money, every thing else can wait. I have an education and living expenses to pay for.

  8. My bff!!! ^^

  9. Lately I feel as if nothing matters.

  10. My friends

    They've looked after me better than anyone. Sometimes your family are just not there for you. Its like the saying- "friends are the family we choose for ourselves"

    Sometimes your actual family just cant cut it and aren't a proper family to you, and sometimes your friends are.

  11. Jesus

  12. My wave runner

  13. Perfectionism.

  14. me myself and I

  15. Living my life to the fullest.

  16. Family

  17. Family and friends

  18. Imagination.

  19. besides family (who will always be there for you) finding love... true love

  20. My family, best friends, and the love of my life.....

  21. My Girlfriend for sure  

  22. I tried it to be God and my soul. Unfortunately, I get very distracted by other things... like family and work. Still God would be more important.

  23. My wife and son :)

  24. my family

    they are my whole life

  25. my boyfriend he will always be most important no matter what =D i love him <3

  26. My family.

  27. God

    My Love

    Our Dog

  28. my family and all my photographs

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