
What means a trail of leafs, one dry one fresh alternating, it ends in a spiral of flowers?

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In the center of the spiral was a dead fruit and a white stone




  1. Times of trial and times of triumph, the cycles of life and of death, that which has passed has yet to occur, that which will be has already happened. The parts are the same, merely the players change. The beauty of nature, being able to possess the potential to be alive and dead at the same time. Is there perhaps an aspect of yourself that you are trying to ignore? For instance, perhaps you anger easily, learn how to use anger constructively, use it to spur yourself to new heights (passion). Anything can be used for either creation or destruction, it is your choice which way the leaf falls. As for the withered fruit and stone, they are merely possibilities. The fruit which should spring new life from such a beautiful start (the flower) has died. However, by its death, the fruit shall become earth, which will be used to grow new life. The stone which was born of the flame, now crumbles to a pebble. And yet it is white, the colour of possibilities, purity, it is on its way to become something new. Have hope for things are never entirely lost.

    Good luck!

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