
What means if higher blood pressure is relatively good and lower is higher than usual?

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I'm 52 years old. My usual pressure was all the years 120/80. And now very usual it is 130/100. I suspect that it is something specific when the lower pressure increase more then higher. What is the reason and any recommendation?




  1. HI.. WOW!! 120/80 for a 52y/o that's good and now to your 130/100 well i worry about your systolic number (100) your diastolic(130) looks good. your systolic number (100)  that's a bit high well stress and caffeine are a high risk factors oh and sodium, try green tea it helps keep your arteries flexible and it's high in antioxidants also low in caffeine 1 baby aspirin a day (see your doc first for any allergies to aspirin you might have) see your doc and your cardiologist regularly.

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