
What means +/- in hockey stats???

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What means +/- in hockey stats???




  1. Queen is right . It is only recorded for even strength goals. So if you have a +3 , while you were playing, your team scored 3 more goals then the opposition

  2. a PLUS Stat is when your on the ice when a goal is scored for your team. A Minus stat comes when your on the Ice and a goal is scored against your team.

  3. + is for being on ice during a goal for your team

    - is on ice for a goal scored on your team

  4. ok i explain that a kid will understand. it is my first hockey game and my team scored 3 goals and i was on the ice for all 3 goals that means im +3 but omg they scored 2 goals and i was on the ice for both of them that means im a +1 now. in the third period they tie it up and i was on the ice when they tie it up so now im a 0 but then my team scores in overtime im on the ice so im a +1 for that game. understand now

  5. The ladies above me are on the right track. I believe they only keep track of this during even-strength situations and goalies don't have this "statistic"

  6. if you are on the ice when a goal is scored by the other team you get a -

    if you are on the ice when your team scores a goal you get a +

    if there is a power play and the team with the extra man scores a goal, nobody gets a + or a -

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