
What measures do you suggest I take to make sure my imaginary friend doesn't lose his way home again?

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He doesn't believe in GPS navigation systems and refuses to carry a phone with him.

I'm worried he might get losted!




  1. purchase a phone and give him and then call him and give him a surprise..

  2. Im sure he will find his wat back to his bff. Good Luck!!!!

  3. u have an imaginary friend? r u high on something? normal ppl don't have imaginary friends!!! persoanlly, i think u need help.

  4. Give him a map.

    I think men are really good at navigation so I don't think it would actually be a problem. Just show him the way and "teach" him. Like taking notes or like telling him what's the features of the buildings around his home.

  5. Well, you see, the answer is quite simple. It's not that he's getting lost, it's that he has to journey a long way to return to you. You see, in order for your friend to get to you from his homeworld of Fantasia or Imaginia (imaginary human friends come from Imaginia, all other imaginary friends come from Fantasia), he has to journey through the Forge of Dreams. Such a journey should not be taken lightly. To venture through the Forge of Dreams is a dangerous venture, so be warned, it is not a GPS that your friend needs, but a medical kit. Your friend must reach the Forge of Dreams by leaving Imaginia via the River of True Sight. Once he has navigated his way through the rapids, dead-drop cliffs millions of feet high, and ravenous rapids controlled by the most evil of water spirits, he will reach the Forge of Dreams. There, to the left and right of your friend, will be the towering walls of the Forge, like Gods looking down upon him. As he takes the first step into the Forge, giant Viciousbats (Vampire Bats that instead of sucking on blood, the eat the flesh of humans) will attack him with the most ferocious intent. After battling his way through the Viciousbats, your friend will come across the Path of Two Roads. There, he must make the choice to take the Left Road or the Right Road. If he takes the Left Road, the danger will increase exponentially, but if he manages to get through the Left Road, he will most certainly reach our mortal realm. However, if he takes the Right Road, the venture would be considerably less dangerous, but there is also a much less chance that he'll make it to our mortal realm. Usually, when he makes it to the end of the Right Road, he'll find himself right back where he started, at the Gates of Imaginia. At first, most imaginary beings choose to repeatedly go through the Right Road until they finally reach our mortal realm. However, they always get too tired of going through all of that termoil only to end up back where they started. So they take the Left Road. At the beginning of the Left Road, your friend will meet the Seers of the Crystal Tear. The Seers will look into the future and will see what the future has in store for your friend. However, the Seers tell the truth exactly half the time. So your friend cannot tell when the he is talking to the Seers when they're telling the truth or telling lies. The Seers will then tell your friend either that he has made the correct choice and should continue down the Left Road, or that he has made the wrong choice and should go to the Right Road before it's too late. Then your friend must decide whether or not the Seers or telling the truth and what he should do about it. Most decide to ignore the Seers and to continue down the Left Road. After travelling past thr Seers, he will walk for days without food or water. Just as he is about to collapse, he will come across a small log cabin. Inside the log cabin is fresh food and a warm bed. However, this log cabin is no ordinary cabin, for the cabin is bewitched. The cabin has two entrances. If your friend goes through the correct entrance, time passes by normally and he'll have a good night's rest and then be on his way the next morning. However, if he chooses the wrong entrance, then time passes by extremely slowly and while he'll still think he's been in the cabin for only one night, he will actually have been in the cabin for years. So your friend must then make a choice: continue down the road past the cabin or risk being trapped in the Cabin for years? Once past The Cabin, your friend will be ambushed by a pack of ravenous werewolves. There, he must make a deal with the werewolves: either allow the werewolves to eat his left arm only and then he can be on his way, or fight all the werewolves at once and hope to escape. Once past the werewolves, your friend will reach the Forest of Deep. There, no light can penetrate. Sound is the only means of navigation through this trechorous forest. But the Forest of Deep is an evil forest. It will play tricks on your friend. It will make your friend hear things that aren't there. So many have gone crazy inside that forest, never to escape it's maddeningly evil grasp. Once through the Forest of Deep, your friend will meet a little girl carrying two balloons, one red and one blue. The little girl will say to your friend, "Pop the red balloon and you'll be teleported back home. Pop the blue one, and you'll be teleported into the Mortal Realm and you'll see your mortal friend again." Then the little girl will hand the two balloons to your friend. Just as your friend is about to pop one of the balloons, the little girl smirks evilly, displays her claws and pops both balloons at the same exact time. Where does your friend go?

  6. What do you mean?i don't get it

  7. Pin your address on his shirt with cab fare

    put low jack in his sneakers

  8. I always give them one chance with following me, and if they fail, I keep them on a leash!

    ***1900 points! Yay! ThankyOU :)

  9. Ditch the Imaginary friend and make REAL ones?


  10. plant a tracking device on him without his knowledge, that way youll never loose him

  11. Build a flying fox around the city and only let him travel using the flying fox.

  12. huh??

  13. What do u mean by imaginary friend? a new friend perhaps ?So if u have briefed him he will surely reach u. or out of desperation call from a public booth

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