
What medical insurance can I get for my daughter (two month old, US citizen) in Canada?

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My daughter is two month old. She will move with me to Vancouver next month. I have Canadian permanent residence. Therefore I am able to get goverment medicare. However she has US citizenship and does not have Canadian permanent residence (I will apply for her after we get there. But it might take one year). What medical insurance can I get for her before she gets her Canadian permanent residence? I spent several days on google to search for private medical insurance in Canada. But the only insurance I can find are emergent medical insurance for traveler. She is only two month old and I need those full medical insurance coverage allowing me to bring her for regular pediatric doctor visiting. Can anyone help me? I will really appreciate.




  1. I just checked on the British Columbia Medical Services Plan website, and it says that dependents of anyone who is eligible for coverage are also covered if they reside in BC.

  2. You can get all the health care you want for your child if you are willing to pay for it! You can also use the Health Insurance you already bought for her in the US ...oops you didn't buy any??? Personally I am tired of other people moving here and receiving the benefits of a system they have not put 1 red cent into. Get a job and you will get OUR free health care in 3 months and have the opportunity to EARN it.

  3. Your daughter will be covered under BC Care (MSP) even though she is not a PR or citizen because she is your dependent. She needs to reside in BC for at least 6 months of the year to be eligible.

    You need to enroll under the family plan. You can find the forms here and a contact number in case you have any other questions.

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