
What medicine should i take ??

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i have had a sore throat for the last few days and a cough and and i was wondering what type of medicine i should take to end up feeling better what should i do to get rid of my cough thanks




  1. i find that most the time advil cold and sinus works well, there isnt to much you can do it has to run its course! good luck feel better soon!

  2. I had this same problem this week. I'm feeling much better now. What I did was take alot of Vitamin C and I drank a ton of water (this helps if you have mucus, the more water, the thinner the mucus). I also took Echinacea-Golden Seal. Its like a natural antibiotic, but if you are allergic to the Daisy family or ragweed, you shouldn't take it. To deal with the pain in my throat and cough, I took a generic Tylenol Cold. Basically you just need: Acetaminophen for a fever, headache and Sore throat; Phenylephrine HCI for a nasal congestion, and Dextromethorphan HBr for coughing. Some of this may make you drowsy though, so if you need to be alert, you should take sudafed and acetaminophen and then suck on some halls. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. Jen is right. And you want to constantly drink hot water with ginger, garlic, lemon, honey, and more ginger. Licorice root is great (but don't over do it), slipper elm is great, and just keep at it. Do not use commerical brand cough drops like Halls, they will make you feel better while you have one in your mouth, but will actually make it take longer for you to be cured.

  4. Hot Slippery Elm tea with lots of fresh squeezed organic lemon juice and raw local honey.

  5. try getting a spray called

    Ultra Chloraseptic Anaesthetic Throat Spray, Benzcaine in an antiseptic base

    It numbs the pain and helps clean your throaght of the nasties that are causing the pain.

  6. ask da docters

  7. For the sore throat gargle with warm salt water.

    For the cough you can try 1tbsp apple cider vinegar with 1tbsp honey in water.

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