
What medicine/supplement can change eye and hair color?

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My friend used to have black hair and medium dark brown eyes no matter the lighting. He also suffered from depression, social anxiety, and was just an angry person. Then out of no where his eye color changed to hazel with more green than brown, his hair color lightened, and his eyebrows are almost completely blonde. He definitley does not wear contacts or dye his hair. Also, along with this physical change his personality did a complete 180. He's happy, energetic, and very outgoing now. Its like hes a completely different person. This isn't a "natural" occurance, hes taking something. He admits his eye and hair color has changed but he wont admit to what hes taking. It has to be some type of anti-depressant or mood stabilizer or something like that. Does anyone know what it could be?




  1. No medication can change your eye or hair color. Only contacts, hair dye, and natural genes. Sometimes people have genes that causes there hair or eye color to change as they get older. Hope this helps.

  2. I know there are some medications that can change your eye color...Tell him he needs to have a check up with his optometrist and list all meds that he is taking.  Just to be sure that its not having any effect on the eye sight.  Alot of times eye problems have NO symptoms and It would be a shame to loose vision over a medication that could have been switched out for another one.  Ive never heard of hair changing on its own tho. Have him get a check up though. as soon as possible but im sure he is fine.  

  3. no. hes lying. he dyed it/got contacts.

  4. he is probably using a skin lightening agent

    skin lightening agents reduce melanin

    you have melanin on your hair and eyes

    WHICH determines the  color

    so if you mix in a skin lightening agent with eye drops...your eyes will lighten most likely

    that what i think he was doing

    but i am probably wrong

    but i don't think it was a supplement

    it wouldn't be powerful enough in my opinion

    which means he had to use something externally  

  5. Certain medications can change hair color and apparently eye color as well.  I think it has to do with the pigments and how certain medications can interfere with the pigments of hair, skin and eye color.  Here's one article, but if you do a search, you'll find others.

    It's really hard telling what medication your friend is on, but you should cut him a break and leave him alone about it.  Everyone deserves a little privacy.

  6. Arsenic.

  7. A Bullet!

  8. Paint

  9. estrogen? lol

  10. like nuclear radiation, I dont recommend only thing is fake contact and hair dye  

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