
What mental illness is this? My boss exhibits these syptoms..?

by  |  earlier

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Always in a hurry, inventories/writes down everything ( even useless info), makes his own notepads out of scrap, wont run the A/C, wont let a car idle in the winter to keep the heat, no one can do anything right but him, doesnt care what others think of him ( even the other supervisors laugh at him), never goes home at work all the time..




  1. nut a mental illness really, but definitely frugal and a bit odd

  2. Well I disagree with the Psychologist, I think that these are the behaviors of a person with OCD.  Obsessive Compulsive disorder is characterized by a compulsion toward a specific behavior (note taking) and obsessing about work would be the obsessive... However, i am not a MD.

    These types of diagnosis should only come from a medically trained Psychologist or MD Psychiatrist.

  3. Nothing you describe is indicative of "mental illness".  It just sounds like he's frugal and works too much. (psychologist)

  4. compulsive economizer - not a mental illness.

    He also shops at thrifts, watches for sales, drives at or below speed limit, not very good at prep and foreplay, does not entertain, goes on day trips [not major vacation trips].

  5. Possibly none at all. Not necessary to diagnose him, I think.

  6. He sounds eccentric to me (some one that deviates markedly from an established norm, especially a person of odd or unconventional behavior), that could be considered a mental illness, albeit not a real serious one.  He could have OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), which is a mental illness.  

  7. thats not a mental illness. Just how some people are personality wise.

  8. Conscientiousness.

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