
What message does the stoning of stephen send to Christians today?

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What message does the stoning of stephen send to Christians today?




  1. who the fu*k is this Stephen guy??????????

  2. No matter how insignificantly small our Christian involvement might be, we should not expect a bed of roses. There are only two sides to this, and this is a war. A spiritual war yes, but a war nonetheless with its battles and casualties (just ask Saint Stephen). Most Christians are unaware that they are at war and when they get hurt they are unprepared, vexed and scandalized. Most unbelievers believe (erroneously) that it is possible to bring good to this world apart from Christ ; they sometimes view themselves as peacemakers in a world torn by all kinds of religious fanatics ; but the truth is either you are for Christ or you are not ; if you are not for Christ, no matter what you think of the nobility of your intentions, you will find yourself among those who stone (together with Saul the Zealot). If you are for Christ, you are the stoners’ target together with Saint Stephen. Ours is the blood stained path of Christ. Nobody wants the Cross ; it’s no fun but ultimately there are no alternative. This may seem grim but it is the truth ; the bright side is the angelic smile on Saint Stephen’s face; Christians who praise the Lord or practice contemplative prayer know just how bright the bright side can get ; they understand the beatific vision of Saint Stephen ; they know it’s not grim ; it’s the precious pearl and they would not exchange it for nothing in the world.

  3. To keep our eyes on Jesus, and not on the words being thrown at us to destroy our faith and hope!

  4. A foreigner was touring the USA on holiday and stopped in a remote bar in the hills of Nevada. He was chatting to the bartender when he spied an old Indian sitting in the corner. He had tribal gear on, long white plaits, wrinkled face. "Who's he?" said the foreigner. "That's the Memory Man." said the bartender. "He knows everything. He can remember any fact. Go and try him out." So the foreigner goes over, and thinking he won't know about English football, asks "Who won the 1965 FA Cup Final?" "Liverpool," replies the Memory Man. "Who did they beat?" "Leeds," was the reply. "And the score?" "2-1." "Who scored the winning goal?" "Ian St. John," was the old man's reply. The foreigner was knocked out by this and told everyone back home about the Memory Man when he returned. A few years later he went back to the USA and tried to find the impressive Memory Man. Eventually he found the bar and sitting in the same seat was the old Indian only this time he was older and more wrinkled. Because he was so impressed, the foreigner decided to greet the Indian in his native tongue. He approached him with the greeting "How". The Memory man replied, "Diving header in the six yard box."

  5. Oh jack B! I'm sitting at work and ive just laughed out loud! you will get me into trouble!

    Am I right in thinking that stephen was the first christian martyr? Well, if anything, he was a man that stood by his convictions, and paid the ultimate price for doing so.

  6. It gives us the extent of forgiveness and faith we should be able to exercise.  

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