
What message does this send (Cindy McCain at the convention)?

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I know she's uber-rich and can flaunt it, but geez!

"Vanity Fair editors estimated that McCain's fierce saffron shirt dress with the popped collar, diamond earrings, four-strand pearl necklace, white Chanel watch and strappy shoes totaled up to $313,100."




  1. You seem jealous about her money.

    It is hers and she can do what she wants.

    At least the extra money she has was spent on helping others which is better than spending nothing to help the poor.

  2. You sound awfully jealous, and it is very unbecoming.

    I wonder if she lost all her money, how many people she would have to lay off.

  3. nothing wrong with being rich. she can do what she wants with her money.

  4. And I'll bet you didn't even notice how much of her personal time and fortune she has spent organizing and participating in charitable works.

    You must be just another leftist hypocrite.  

  5. It just proves how out of touch both she and John McCain are with the vast majority of Americans. Sure she can spend her money on whatever she wants, she's an heiress, just like Paris Hilton. BUT 99% of Americans couldn't afford to live like that. Not even close. McCain couldn't remember the last time he pumped his gas or how much it cost. John McCain wears $500 shoes. They own a parking lot worth $1 million. They own their own private jets. And they own 8 houses worth at least $13 MILLION dollars. And then they're going to accuse Obama of being an "elitist", are you kidding me? John McCain and Sarah Palin are just out of touch with America, with Americans and with American values!

  6. That's kind of disgusting for such an ugly outfit.

  7. so because she's rich we shouldn't like her? she's rich get over it

  8. That's just her way of demonstrating that she can "relate" to the ordinary citizens.

    Yes, sir.  I know that anyone wearing a $300,000 outfit is just STRESSED OUT about the plight of the common folk.  She probably doesn't sleep well, wrestling with her concern for the well-being of all of those DEAR citizens.

    I recently heard that Bush and Cheney have each slept less than 26 hours TOTAL since January of 2001.

    It's hard to rest when the vassals, I mean citizens, are on your mind so much.  

  9. The Republicans will love it.

  10. That is insane. She doesn't even look good.

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