
What message is the media sending to teenagers today about who they are and how they should behave?

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What message is the media sending to teenagers today about who they are and how they should behave?




  1. whoaaaa

    Meilien is ABSOLUTELY right

  2. The media is promoting the notion that life is simple and that what you do today won't effect you tomorrow, and that overt consumerism isn't only the accepted norm but is a requirement for them to be normal.

    In short, it's messing kids up by presenting them with unrealistic body images, telling them that they are abnormal unless they live a lifestyle that 80% of American families simply can't afford, and by glossing over the realities of the modern world in favor of a rose tinted image that makes them feel confused, depressed, and a failure because they can't live up to it.

  3. A very bad message.

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