
What methods can be applied to reduce our intake of pesticides????

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What methods can be applied to reduce our intake of pesticides????




  1. Pesticides would mostly occur in our food intake of vegetables or when we spray our house with it.

    The methods that we could apply to reduce the intake could be in the form of washing vegetables properly to remove traces of pesticides from them. Fumugating the room only when noone is inside and then waiting out the period till its safe enough to enter.

    Also the use of organic products in our everyday household life could help.

  2. Most pesticide activity has been lost by the time you consume the product. This is insured to you by the EPA.

    There are times when applications can't be made prior to harvest. This is on these labels and are followed.

    Pesticides cover a whole lot of things. Most people only think of them being insecticides. But really they can be anything from seed treatments to fungicides. These products halve a half life, called DD50. Most break down very rapidly after application. Most are contact in nature. Pesticides  are not as an issue today as they were in the last 50 years. There is not any old harm full pesticides out there anymore applied in the US. Make sure what you buy is US grown and not an import. There is few restrictions in other country's concerning pesticides. Thank goodness for EPA and the US restrictions here.

  3. stop drinkin' cold drinks!

  4. Organic Products are the best, U know the municipal supply water was worse than Pepsi or coke in terms of pesticide, instead of municipal water Treated labelled standard water are the best for consuming.

  5. We should encourage the farmers to use organic fertilisers & pesticides b'coz of this we can lower down the intake of pesticides.We should also stop drinking drinks which contain pesticides.

  6. Buy organic produce.

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