
What methods can i use to prove existence of esp?

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  1. There is no true scientific way of proving ESP to be real.. im taking a.p. psychology and this is what we learned about earlier

  2. There are many methods via online games.

    I have included a link to online psi games/test that you can take. Also, the Ganzfeld test (where you have limited physical stimulation like white noise (static) playing in your ears and a visual field with not pattern (usually  a red light though white ping pong ball material) have been highly successful in studies. I have included links to that information below.

    Both the Ganzfeld and Remote Viewing (link below) have been established. (full link below)

    "Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. The statistical results of the studies examined are far beyond what is expected by chance. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC have been replicated at a number of laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud."

    FYI: Science does not prove anything it either fails to provides support (evidence) for a hypothesis or provides support (evidence) for a hypothesis.


  3. You can not prove what does not exist.

  4. Well you need to do a properly controlled scientific experiment.

    They did this a lot in the late 60s, early 70s and never were able to show it worked.  If it were real, it would be a pretty simple thing to prove.  The fact that no one has should tell you it doesn't.

  5. You can consistently guess anything (i.e. roll dice, pick a card, etc.) at a level significantly above chance.

  6. Depending on the skill you're testing for, you set up a test in which that skill would be needed to produce an effect greater than chance.  For example, in a test for straight telepathy, the ESPer could tell the tester what image is on the card held by a third person that the ESPer can't see, but who is concentrating hard on the image in their hand. The tester notes the answer given, then checks the cards in order to see what the guess rate was.

    This gets done over and over again, and then the number of correct guesses will be compared to the guesses they could have got by sheer chance. Since the tester didn't know what the card was and the ESPer couldn't see the card reader, the information wasn't being passed by reading facial expression  or by seeing the card. Different readers could be used, in case one has to be 'sensitive' to read the card.

    There's a lot of maths involved, and a lot of very repetitive testing, and precautions to make sure that there isn't some other way that information is getting across. How you test depends on what you are testing for, but the idea is to eliminate variables that could mess up the test, to leave no loopholes for skeptics and to keep on and on testing to show a clear pattern.

    To clinch the results, someone else, using the same method, would have to test for themselves to see if they could reproduce the effect using an ESPer, even the same ESPer, and their own readers. If they can also make it happen, then it's a 'reproducable effect', and thus as proven as anything can be in science. is a nice little article on testing for ESP.

  7. Get an ordinary deck of playing cards, better yet, have an unbiased observer provide them. You can get them at a dollar store or something, just as long as you havent had access to the cards. Otherwise, critics might conclude that the cards are marked or something.

    Have the unbiased party shuffle the cards well. Then have someone draw the cards one by one and look at the cards. You should then read that persons mind and tell them what card they are looking at. If you can only do it with certain people, then have the unbiased party draw and hold the card.

    Now here is where statistics come into play.

    They can not tell you right or wrong until they have gone through the entire deck. Otherwise, you will get a bunch wrong at first, but if you have a good head for numbers, then you will start getting much more accurate toward the end.

    When they finish all 52 cards, you should have a minimum of 8 correct answers to be sure you are beyond statistical random chance. If you have less then that, its probably just chance. If you get 8 correct, then you need to repeat a number of times as this could still be just a statistical outlyer (in other words, a fluke).

    If you can repeat the experiement a few times getting more than 8 correct answers, then I think you could get someones attention.

  8. If you actually had ESP, you would already know the methods to prove its existance.

  9. I will transmit my thoughts to you. If you can read them, then you have ESP.

    In the real world, experiments done on this subject have involved using cards. The tester looks at a card and then tries to have the subject tell them what the card was.

  10. I'm transmitting one word to you right now, tell me what it is and if its correct, you've just proved its existence to me.  You could hold controlled experiments on a talk show like The Montel Williams Show or The View.    





  11. Tell me what I'm thinking right now.

  12. I dont believe anyone has come up with a way to convince a skeptic of anything, regardless of proof :), however, I shall relay my most vivid ESP experience.

    My mom, my sister, and myself where all staying at a friends house for a few weeks. my mom and I where to sleep in a camper trailer some 200 feet from the house, behind the barn.

    one night, I went out to the trailer, and waited for my mom, who did not appear for maybe 30 minutes (busy talking in the house). I got impatient and left the trailer to go back to the house.

    now note that there are two paths around the barn. one past a large "streetlight" on a post, the way is fully lit. The other, under the cherry tree and through the dark. The dark way is much faster.

    I chose to take the dark way.

    I got about 20 feet from the tailer and was maybe 10 feet from the cherry tree, and I saw the vague shape of a man standing under it. it looked like heat waves do when they rise from the asphalt on a hot day, except shaped like a man.

    It stood about 7 feet tall, and stared at me. though I could not see his eyes, I knew he was staring at me and that stare penetrated my mind and attacked my soul.

    an unnatural terror engulfed me. it wasn't that I was just afraid of him, it was like he was surrounded by an aura of absolute horror.

    somehow I knew this, I knew he could see right through my mind and I knew he was trying to destroy me.

    I also knew that if I ran, he would follow me, I knew that if I ran it would only increase my fear as I ran.

    so I stood my ground. I stood there and claimed the Blood of Jesus, shed for me and all the world, as my protection and I rebuked the thing.

    after about 20 seconds of doing this, he left. visually, it was like he dissolved.

    ever after that I saw many more spirits around that property, during the day as well as the night, and even after we left, I've seen a few more, and I've been able to sense spirits in the room with me.

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