I'm looking to buy a Dell Inspiron and when you order it there's loads of different options and add-ons you can have, and I want to know which software to get.
I am a student and I want software that will be compatible with that on the computers at my university (I don't know what programmes they have but I imagine they'll have Word and Excel and stuff).
Basically I don't want to do a load of work at a computer at uni and then find that I can't open the file on my laptop.
The options for software are:
Microsoft Works 9.0
Microsoft Works Plus 2008 - Words 2003 and Works 9.0
Microsoft Office 2007 Basic - Word, Excel and Outlook
Microsoft Office 2007 Home and Student - Word, Excel, OneNote, Powerpoint
I don't even know what OneNote is....
Works is free but the Office home and student costs £60. Is it worth paying the extra to get programmes I'm familiar with and that work everywhere or should I just stick to the basic Works?
Any advice would be much appreciated as I don't know much about software at all.
Thanks :)