
What middle name can I give my son?

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I am due to have a little baby boy. We will call him Beau (pronounced Bow).

What middle name will sound good?

I like Finley.

Please don't suggest alternative first names, he will be Beau!

He has two elder brothers, Callum Jake and Alfie George.

Thanks for all your suggestions. :) xx




  1. JANGLES.  like the song, you know?  Mr. Beau Jangles

  2. Beau Johnathan

  3. Beau Andrew

    Beau Joseph

    Beau Michael

    Finley's nice too. With such an unusual 1st name I would stick to something quite traditional and timeless for his middle name. Congratulations and good luck x x x

  4. I don't have any names for you because it seems you like Beau Finley....and the pee brained jerks who say it's a stupid name can think what they want, their names are probably Joe Adam Johnson. In 1985 my mother named me after the color of blush she wore. I think it's a beautiful name and it fits me perfectly. Go with your heart.

    She named me Siena

  5. Beau James

    Beau Andrew

    Beau Ryan

    Beau Brendan

    Finley is a ok middle name.

  6. I always liked the name Greg, but I think a two-syllable name suits Beau better. Maybe Beau Matthew or Beau Jordan? Or maybe even Beau Nicholas?

  7. I really like Finley, but I'm not sure I like it with Beau. One syllable 1st names are hard to match. I think Finley Beau sounds better than Beau Finley.

    My son is Bowen Azuriah. So maybe Beau Elijah, Beau Grayson, Beau Hudson, Beau Mason

  8. Beau Vincent

    Beau Keith

    Beau Paul

  9. Beau is the name Emma Bunton gave to her baby isn't it? I think it's cute for a little child!

    How about these middle names:

    Beau Nicholas,

    Beau Liam,

    Beau Tristan,

    Beau Raymond,

    Beau Daniel,

    Beau Ethan,

    Beau Ewan,

    Beau Joseph,

    Beau Frederick,

    Beau Freddie,

    Beau Harry,

    Beau Antony,

    Beau Benjamin,

    Beau Christopher,

    Beau David,

    Beau Elliot,

    Beau Finley (I like this and you said you do too!),

    Beau Gerrard,

    Beau Henry,

    Beau Isaac (I love this combination the most),

    Beau James,

    Beau Kyle,

    Beau Leon,

    Beau Malachi,

    Beau Nathaniel,

    Beau Oliver,

    Beau Peter,

    Beau Quentin,

    Beau Rhys,

    Beau Simeon,

    Beau Timothy,

    Beau Victor,

    Beau William,

    Beau Xavier.

    I hope these help!

  10. All your sons first names are original with unoriginal middle names which i like. I think Beau middle name should be something more unoriginal like:

















    I hope I helped and congratulations on your pregnancy & awesome names for your children!

  11. ☻♥ ☆✰ what about Biscuit☻♥ ☆✰

  12. When I chose a middle name, I decided to give him a name that was fairly basic, traditional or common so that my son could chose to be called by that name if he grew up and decided he hated his first name.

    Here are some simple names that are popular right now, maybe you'll like one of these:



















  13. Beau Taylor,

  14. I always recommend that people look through their family trees to find some good names to use as middle names becuase it shows respect to your family line.

    Beau Nathan

    Beau William

    Beau Caden

    Beau Aaron

  15. I like Beau but I am from down south and I am pretty show that people will think it's pronounced Bo and now Bow.

    But anyway Beau Trey

  16. Beau Mitchell

    Beau Finley ---i dont like it

    Beau Tanner

    Beau Jordan

    Beau Allan

    Beau Cameron

    Beau Cade

    Hopefully that helped

  17. Beau Jack,

    Beau Isaac,

    Beau Ben.

    Actually i found it really hard to think of one that rings well with Beau.

    I like Beau, it just sounds good on its own.

  18. Beau Samuel, Beau Shiloh, Beau Jayson,

  19. Joshua, Beau Joshua is lovely :)

  20. sh323 is right. My nephew's Is David-my brothers name, James-my other brothers name who passed, and beau, my 18 year old nephew who was killed.

    So his name is David James Beau. I know it's long, but it honors our family.

    Beau David is beautiful!

  21. I like george, how about Beau George. Nothing wrong with sharing a name. I also like:

    B. Nicholas

    B. its really hard to match a name with Beau.

    B. Finley Does sound good though.

    B. Peters

    B. Pete

    B. Jackson sounds cool.

    B. Allden

    B. Alden

    B. Dean

    Hope I helped some. GOOD LUCK!!

  22. Well, I suppose I will submit my middle name. I have the feminine spelling, Rae, but the masculine is Ray! I also think that Beau Allen or Beau Frederick have nice rings! I'm thinking that since his first name only has one syllable try a second name with two.  His brothers have two syllable first names and one-syllable middle names. I think that always gives good balance!

    Good luck and congratulations!

    Also, I love the name Beau!

  23. I don't think Beau is all that bad, actually.  You are right when you say you could have done much, much worse.

    For middle names...maybe something a little longer would be nice since Beau is so short.  

    Beau Matthew

    Beau Alexander

    Beau Theodore

  24. To kwick - beau means beautiful in french actually...maybe you havnt been learning french.

    I think: Beau Jacob, Beau Luke, Beau Owen?

    Also Beau Finley is good (:  

  25. Beau Francis

    Beau Morgan

    Beau Chester

  26. Seth-Original unique

    P.s Beau mean boyfriend or girlfriend and is used widely not just amongst teenage but also adults, just soo you know.

    Most people will think that when they hear it.

  27. This is a hard one!!






    Hope I've helped, good luck with your little dude when he arrives!! xx

  28. I like Beau George, but you've already used George.

    Maybe Baue Benjamin, as I think the double B sounds good together in this case!

    ps. I really like Callum Jake

  29. a little dukes of hazard, but not an altogether unfortunate choice, theres definately much worse out there!

    beau marcus

    beau connor

    beau jude

    beau alexander

    beau brian

    good luck and congratulations

  30. Beau Hudson or Beau Cade

  31. Congrats!

    I like the Beau, except I like the pronounciation (bu-oo)

    I don't like Finley...

    Beau Joseph

    Beau Daniel

    Beau Taylor

    Beau Shane

    xox- Julie

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