
What might be the effect of the man made increase in greenhouse gases?

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What might be the effect of the man made increase in greenhouse gases?




  1. yes

  2. it probably won't affect you

  3. Watch the movie "The Day After Tomorrow".  It is not SiFi.

    Disrupt the North Atlantic current with fresh water due to the ice mealting and we go into another ICE AGE.

  4. Global warming has stopped for 10 years.  The earth cycles apparently without much influence from humans at all.  I mean, really - when people have to talk about a atmospheric gas (like CO2) in parts-per-million... there are better things to freak out about.

  5. it is directly propotional....and there are a lot of things man made products contributed...the heat coming from the machine and the radiation ciming from different gadgets are can affect to our ozone layer and ozen layer destoy by the said green house effect or the continues heating and different calamities we experience now...

  6. A general warming of the atmosphere will provide more energy to power storms and hurricanes. Melting at the poles will increase sea levels and most of us live close to the sea. People will be displaced and farmland lost. If the melting is extreme it may disrupt the Gulf Stream which will cause the UK to freeze in winter (we have very mild winters). General warming will change where certain species live. In particular some exotic insects will start to move into new areas bringing diseases. Such as west nile fever, or dengue fever, quite nasty.

    To the people who don't believe all this :

    If you don't believe then I can't convince you but you will still benefit from the efforts of the rest of us. If your car got twice the mpg that would be nice wouldn't it? If your house was so well insulated that your heating/cooling bills dropped to nearly zero you'd like that wouldn't you? If we recycle as much as possible instead of throwing things into landfill, doesn't that seem like the sensible thing to do?

    So go along with the things most of us are doing to combat global climate change and you'll benefit in the long run.

  7. Higher taxes so the government can clean the air and a duller sky, also people with asthma would suffer more and it would be easier for people to get lung diseases and infections.


  8. Nothing. I remember in elementary school about 39 years ago, they were prediciting another ice age. They can't tell me what the weather will be like a week from now. It is much more difficult to predict global climate change. This is a farce paid for by the government (Public education) to try to strip away your freedoms by limiting your control over things like how much you drive and what temperature you can keep your house. Fight the public school brainwashing and free your mind.

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