
What might cause SLR color prints to come out with half the picture blury?

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I'm using a vintange Hanimex Praktica camera. I suspect that the camera body back door might be damaging the negatives, or possibly the camera is allowing light to leak in.

If you have experience with vintage cameras, what is your experience with prints coming out looking dingy and partially blury on the right side of the print?




  1. Also it might be a light leak.

    You can remedy that by using gaffer's tape on your cam to keep light from leaking in though the back door.

    (you can also use black electrical tape in a pinch, but the stuff is sticky)

  2. Check to see if the film pressure plate on the door of the camera back is loose. If it isn't evenly applying pressure to hold the film in the film plane, you could get blurry images.

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