This has been happening ever since I was beat up and robbed last year. It starts with a super intense and profound, often scary "deja vu" waking dream sequence that lasts 30 to 60 seconds while causing extreme nausea. It has been happening more frequently lately and now at night during my dreams and last night one woke me up and it was very scary. Also, new to this episode was powerful smells like my sense of smell was on overdrive. This did not help with the nausea, as the smells were nasty, like a building that had bad fire damage (I think I remember hearing something about a fire smell durung seizures). These episodes are frightening and unpleasant, but at the same time, I am oddly attracted and partial to them. I think this may be some form of epilepsy brought on by head trauma, but I would greatly appreciate any additional information. Preferably from a doctor or someone experiencing the same thing. Thank you.