
What might happen if a ghost follows you home?

by  |  earlier

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What circumstances would lead to a ghost following someone back to their homes, and perhaps haunting them? Does this happen to many paranormal investigators, or people that buy haunted things??? I know a residual haunting would not, but would an intelligent haunt actually do this to a living person or would it be something demonic?




  1. It can and does happen all the time. It's never happened to me, thankfully, but I have friends it's happened to. The lady who cleaned a demon out of my home said it happened to her a lot. What happens just depends on the spirit and how sensitive you are to it. If you're not a sensitive, and it's a nice spirit, you may never even realize it's there. If it's nasty, if it's demonic, you will definitely know.

    but just because it's an intelligent haunt doesn't automatically mean it's demonic. Nice spirits may try to get your attention if they're in desperate need of someone to talk to. Some of them just want their stories told, someone to care that they died or how they died. Demons just hate everybody. lol

  2. It could happen.  As far as what the reason or under what conditions it could happen, I do not know.  I know as an investigator, I will thank them for their time and  ask them to remain where they are.  It has been a part of my routine for a long time.  

    You are correct, a residual haunt would not follow you.  An intelligent haunt could  follow and in the event of a demonic haunt, it will do whatever it wants to.  So unless you are prepared, if someone suspects a demonic haunt, my advise is to stay far away from it as possible and let the persons who are well versed in demonology handle it.

  3. I go to cemeteries and get evps, it's a hobby of mine.  A female spirit followed me and is around me all the time.  She is NOT demonic at all, she is very nice and gives me a breath on my tape recorder when I ask her. (usually)  She whispered my name and she feels a need to be with me.

  4. Well they might question your taste in furniture, food, music, TV programs, etc. just like any other person in your home. ;)

    I suspect a surviving spirit (one definition of ghost) that you could actually see when other couldn't might be excited enough to have found someone that could communicate with him/her that they kept following you around. Especially if you believe in the unfinished business theory of ghosts being stuck here on Earth. Maybe the will needs to be found, or the murderer or a proper burial done - there are as many reasons as there are human experiences.

    I have never had a ghost (that I know about anyway) follow me home from any investigation.

    I have never bought even a reportedly haunted item so I simply can't answer that question. Certainly people report ghost experienced after bringing objects into their homes.

    I would suspect that if you grant the existence of demons that demons would be more likely to attach themselves to people than a location. However, I don't see why a surviving spirit couldn't do this so I wouldn't conclude just by the attachment to a person alone that it must be a demon.


  5. It can most likely haunt you or make you feel extremely tired after a full nights rest at a time. Me and my investigation team have had this happen to us.

  6. Rarely does this truly happen.

    1.  A spirit is usually confined to one certain area for what ever reasons they may be.

    2.  I may happen if one is attached to an personal item that it is bound to.

    Normally tho, they can't travel too far from its original origin.

  7. if its a evil spirit then id be scared

    but if it is a nice spirit then what you should do is

    questionable but i cant tell unless i see how it acts

  8. it would be something demonic. like .. if your house is being haunted by demons, and you move to escape the situation, they WILL follow you.

  9. If you take something that belonged to the person, it could be connected some how to them. Always make sure before you leave a cementary or investigation, you leave something for them, a gift like flowers, etc.... you should always cleanse yourself from negitivity. there are all sorts of ways to do that online search...

  10. A ghost may follow you home because it recognizes that you can see, feel, sense him/her. I feel that at worst case scenerio the "ghost" might become annoying, like a person who suddenly wedges themselves in to your life would annoy you... trying to constantly seek out your attention.  Some People are invasive as are some spirits. You can always help to dissuade the individual from becoming too over hearing by setting some ground rules. I always talk to spirit and ask them for its name. Then I let them know that I have a life too and although I apprectiate their visits that there is a time and a place for  everything. I also let them know not to scare my kids.  No, I have never really experienced anything demonic... at least not any more than I see a less flattering side of some of the living.

    And Lol who ever wrote that they might question our taste in furniture and decor. When I channel I often get glimpses and a guided tour into what their homes looked like, but honestly I never thought about them seeing mine. I am hysterical as my house is usually a mess (kids).. and never took this into consideration. So as I sit here an d ponder this, lol, I just came to the conclusion, that if they want to make fun of my house, fine, but do they still want their messages passed on? hmmmm? Thanks for the great chuckle.

  11. no.  it wouldn't.  and it wouldn't be demonic either.

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