
What might happen next?

by  |  earlier

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I went to my GP because i self harm'. I've done this since i was 11/12 years old and i'm now 18. I've had 6 appointments so far and had to change doctor after the 5th because the one i origionally saw got a new job somewhere else.

She says we'll try to get to the root of the problem and she also wants me to cut down the amount of alcohol i'm drinking. She's also referred me to see a psychiatrist but i'm not sure when that is.

Is this what usually happens when someone goes in for this problem or does she think there could be something wrong?

I'm going back to see her every two weks so she can 'see how i'm doing'. Is there hope for getting better? I personally can't see things changing...i think i'm always going to feel down and i just have no idea how i'm going to cope in life.

What could happen to actually make things better and how long will it take? Is there anything i can do inbetween appointments..i'm allready trying to cut down the drinking.

She asked me to see the cuts last week. Is it likely she'll continue to want to see them...will she ask every week?

Also i'm starting a new job soon and i think it's quite difficult and stressful. Could this make things worse or keep me distracted and reduce the self harm? I can't see how things ould get much worse though.

If anyone has any general advice or anything i'd really appretiate it. Please don't leave mean answers becasue i know what i've been doing is wrong and pathetic and i truely do feel horrible and disgusted by it all...and just by myself.




  1. You might want to try support groups and talk to the ones you love about it because they will have the most support for you and the best recommendations and answers.

  2. Drink less, clear your head. You probably think that between bouts your judgement is good, but it will be better and more focused without the booze. You are already changing things, both by seeing your GP and by asking here. Keep it up.

    Look on the new job as a place to apply yourself, keep busy, learn and grow. Even if it is busy and stressful, you are building something for the future (experience, networking, just cash... whatever) so look at it as one step in the right direction and hold your head a little higher.

    Listen to your GP, and any specialists you are sent on to. Asking for help is a huge step... now TAKING that help comes next. If you are sent for counselling, go and take charge. If you already hate yourself and are disgusted, that is a cycle you can be proud of trying to break, OK? Way to go, keep at it.

    This is the way it goes... nobody is self-destructive in any way for no reason (cutting, drinking or drugging to excess, overly promiscuous, picking verbal or physical fights, etc are ALL ultimately self-destructive). Doctors can heal the physical, but they know you are hurt or unhappy or unsure or insecure about something that is bubbling up this way. Seeing a shrink does not mean you are crazy or stupid, it makes you smart and strong enough to recognize and ask for help. To be there by 18 is great, a lot of people waste their 20s on childish acts before pulling themselves together. Start today and keep going!

  3. Your gonna get pregnant.... If you do that your body will release natural endorphins and you will be bestowed with the love of a mother and will no longer be depressed. Seriously that does happen.

  4. Definitely don't get down on yourself!!! If there is something in your life you want to change, only you can change it. The psychiatrist will more than likely want to put you on some meds. I give you kudos for taking the first step in getting yourself some help. Setting up an appointment to do so is the first step, actually going to it is the hardest part. I'm sure all the people will want to see your cuts to see whether or not you are progressing. My best advice is stick with it, give it an honest chance and don't hold anything back!!

  5. Personally, I think your GP should have referred you to a counselor immediately.   Your GP probably suspects depression and thinks you could benefit from antidepressants.   I believe that statistically most people who harm themselves for psychological reasons gradually stop as they get into their early 20's or so.  I was a cutter.  One thing I did was told someone very close to me--my boyfriend.   He basically kept on me not to do it.  Then I sought help for my depression.   Good luck to you, honey.  Be careful.  One wrong cut could have a lot more serious consequences than you want.  Regarding the new's hard to say.  It might make you want to cut more if you're not dealing with the stress.  You need to start to learn coping strategies for dealing with stress and emotional pain that do not involve hurting yourself physically--such as exercising, writing, talking to a friend, listening to music, yoga, meditation, etc.  I wish you the best.

    Addition: Also, you are probably attempting to self-medicate through your use of alcohol.  It is a temporary "high" to help you to escape from what is really bothering you.  But alcohol is also a depressant.  If depression is part of the equation (which it probably is--even if it is not chronic), then alcohol is not helping.  Also, the GP is probably checking the cuts to make sure they're not getting infected and to make sure you are not getting close to cutting deep enough to or close enough to major arteries to be a major problem.   He/she will probably continue to ask to see them.

  6. I don't have time to read it, but you had time to write it

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