
What might my baby mice look like?

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I am breeding mice and recently bought the parents to be. The mum is white, medium-length furred, albino and tailless, while the dad has beautiful beady black eyes, black and white fur and a tail.

What do you think the babies will look like??

Is there a chance that some will have tails and some won't?

Are tailless mice worth less, more or the same?

Also, anybody in Melbourne, Australia interested in having any for free as long as they're not for food??




  1. wel ive bred mice i had a black and white with black eyes male and a white and dark brownblack eyed  female they had young and i got black and white and brown and white and i got this white and sortof creamy beige colour with red eyes it is the cutist thing ever

  2. they most likely wont be tailless and their fur should be black and white

    and i have 3 female mice and 1 male

  3. not shure but they make great pets with my corn snake

  4. Genetics mean that not only the parents colouring/traits will come into this but thie parents attributes will too and even those from further back. You will mainly get a mixture of the two but don't be suprised if you get ones which are totally unexpected.

    I have bred mice in the past, with a mother producing anything from 6-21 babies at any one time. A mouses gestation period is just 21 days, with offspring capable of producing young of their own from just 6 weeks of age. The young will be hairless and blind, though you will still be able to see if they are going to have markings or not as this appears on their skin.

    As for the tail-less mice being worth more I cannot help there. I am in the UK and have not seen it before, so i do not know what the price may be. I do guess if it is a rare trait they may be more valuable. Are there any online rodent clubs who may be able to help?

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