
What mile time should I strive for tomorrow?

by Guest63731  |  earlier

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Last time I ran, I got a 7:29, but I wasn't really going my hardest, plus it was during the hottest part of an already-hot day.

I normally get between 2:15 and 2:20 when I run 1/3 of a mile for PE, but I just recently got 2:04 when I decided to pick up my pace a bit instead of just running fast enough to come in before everyone else. I wasn't really even out of breath at the end of this run.

I've been running 1 1/5 miles about 1-3 times a week, and I just recently managed to do a 3 mile run at a slow pace with gulps of water and stretches in between each mile.

What time should I be aiming for? I'm a 13-year-old girl (turned 13 just before I joined Y!A), and I have really long legs, but I don't stretch them out when running because I go faster and I feel like I'm using too much energy when I'm going fast.

Normally I get between 7:30 and 8 minutes when running, but I'm not really tired after these, whereas my classmates are almost passed out.

So what time should I be aiming for?




  1. six minutes isn't impossible, but that should be your goal over the next 4 or five months, you won't be able to do it over night.  good luck

  2. if you are at a 7 30 mile i would say if you did two months of hard training you could hit a 6 30 mile. i was at a 5 40 mile time and after two months of training my fastest mile is a        4 58 mile.

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