
What military branch is better suited for a future dad?

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ok, im about to become a dad, and i would like to join either the coast guard or the army or marines, but i want to join a branch i can keep in touch with my kid, and no, me and the girl whos pregn is not my gf anymore and wer not getting married, but shes joining the army in 6 months, so can anyone help me?




  1. All branches have their ups and down

    Navy and CG - Extended tours on Ships

    Marines, CG & Army - risks of combat in Iraq (Yes I said Coast Guard)

    USAF - long tours overseas

    I would weigh pro's and cons

  2. not entirely true about navy not seeing sitting about 12 feet from a navy corpsman and we are both about 30k from the pakistan border working with the army and we have both seen combat, him more often than me (im air force)

    it mainly depends on the lifestyle you are looking for.  depending on the your job, you may or may not deploy as much in the AF.  i have been in for 12 years and this is my second deployment, i had to volunteer for both of them.

    just investigate each, see which career fields may suit you.  i would never speak poorly about any service though, each one has benefits and things that interest different people.

    good luck!

  3. husband just joined the navy. He is a father already and after we got all the options on all the branches we decided that the Navy was the best choice for him. He did consider the army but didnt really want to be away from us for a year or longer on deployments!! And my uncle is a chief in the navy and has been in for almost 21 years(he loves it)!  

  4. Navy, you get all the benifits. and the Navy sees no combat. you maybe away from your family. But consider this Army, Marines, and National Guard can be deployed to Iraq. So which do you perfer....

  5. I have to say the AF. They are more family oriented. They have good benefits and if you were deployed you gone from anywhere between 4 months to 15 months.

  6. i think you should get a descent job and be there to take care of your child because that ex of yours is not gonna be there all the time for that child and some definitly should be there for that kid!! and its pretty selfish of her to join the army with a new born on the way!!

  7. Coast guard has the least casualties, if that's what you're after.

  8. Army.

  9. it sounds like you dont want to, but i honestly think the af would be the way to go.

  10. Single parents cannot join the Military unless full custody is signed over for the first enlistment.   You will both have to do that or give the child up for adoption.  

    The Navy goes to combat and is deployed just as much as every other branch.  There is quite a few Rates that go all the time like Corpsman, Construction, etc... Then there is now those who go IA - Individual Augmentees with a unit there.  

    Coast Guard is there as well in several different areas.  

    It doesn't matter what branch you join you will see deployment, you will not have communications with the outside world 24/7/365 .

    The one that has less deployments and more communication is actually the Air Force.  While they do go out for months at a time, they are not as frequent, have better housing, better bases, etc...  

  11. Well, I was in the same situation and found out about it in RIP. Worked out just fine all through 3 of the worlds finest Airborne assignments. I really don't know what having a daughter on the way would have to do with it. In fact she's about to get her PhD.  

  12. I would say the Air Force.  If you did get deployed, it would not be anywhere extremely dangerous and you would only be away from your family for 4 months.  Or you could try something like the Coast Guard or things of that nature.

  13. It all depends on what you want to do. Every branch deploys...and it depends on your occupational specialty with in each branch. Some people's jobs will deploy a lot, some will not. All specialties deploy at least once in a while. And even if you have a specific job specialty you can always be assigned a different job as the needs of the military demand.

    The best advice I can give you if you want to have the best chance of being near you gf and child is join the same branch as she does. While families can work out dual military careers in different branches it is a little easier if both parents are in the same one.

    I personally think the military job/specialty is more important for how much you deploy than the branch. But that is my opinion.

    I was in the Navy 14 years and deployed twice. Both deployments were less than 6 months each. (one was for about a month and the other was about 4 1/2 months)

  14. the navy has great benefits for family!!! what ever branch you choose, stay safe

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