
What military quals would ensure me a contract in Blackwater?

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Marine Corp

Air Force

and how many years of experience would almost guarantee a contract?




  1. The best course to Blackwater USA is a solid career in the military serving with distinction as a Special Forces Operator, although they employ a wide variety of other former military as well.

    The owner of Blackwater USA, Erik Prince, is a former Navy SEAL, and as such, Erik takes many of his brothers in.

    If you want to absolutely get in, your best bet is to become a Navy SEAL. This is also the most difficult Unit to get into, but it is worth it.

    The screening involves both high physical abilities and very high ASVAB scores. Talk to a Navy recruiter who can point you in the right direction.

    All branches and many military units use Snipers, and they are also highly useful for Blackwater USA; this is also a good way to get in. The US military Sniper programs are also some of the toughest programs to get in to, and to complete.

    Also, Blackwater USA is not the only contractor around. You also have many others including KBR (Kellogg, Brown and Root), Dynacorp and several others.

    Most employ former military in a variety of capacities.

    You'll need at least four to six years in and at least one solid deployment to impress them.

    Good luck to you whatever you choose to do.


  2. your best bet would to join the army as an 18 series( special forces) then do 3 or 4 deployments and eventually become a team sergeant... once you hit e7 or above and get out of the army there is a very good chance you would be picked up by blackwater. keep in mind that you have to keep a Top scret clearence. but really all the schools that you go to while being SF will prepare you for blackwater... some are even ran by blackwater.  

  3. message me, give me details of what you want to do

  4. depends on what you want to do for blackwater. Im assuming PSS (personal security specialist)

    If thats the case, ANY of the branches will do as long as you SF.

    If your a sniper for the army or USMC you can also join them very easily.

    you only NEED one term (4 years) and you HAVE to have at LEAST one deployment.

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