
What miracle may occur to stop Geelong winning the 2008 Grand Final.?

by Guest66613  |  earlier

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I personally think something is going to go down but what? c**p weather maybe. The Swanees?? Nah too good to be true?




  1. We'll be fine! Nothing going to  stop us now the cup is ours!

  2. Their egos...

  3. **Anything could happen between now and the Grand Final.**

  4. i think collingwood have the experince of finals to go all the way MAYBE agaisnt geelong i would think that geelong would be a definate but i think that bulldogs and hawthorn arent good enough with the finals experince jsut yet it may be sydney and collingwood that are only ones with a chance

  5. I believe that it will be a prelimanary final where they will lose to either the Western Bulldogs, Hawthorn or Sydney. It will be a tight game but the winner will score the winner with five minutes to go. Not saying Geelong are chokers, but I think their opponnts (whoever they may be) will manage to draw enough strength to win this game.



  6. They could lose Ablett, Ling and Wojinski!...

    And still beat the 'second best' team by 10 goals... uhh :(

  7. Well, I don't think this will happen, but I'm hoping that in the Prelim or the GF, a team like the Bulldogs, with something to prove after already losing to Geelong, will win a tight match against the Cats.

    Wishful Thinking!

    Good luck to the Cats and their supporters, you basically have the Premiership in the bag!

  8. Well if Collingwood get in the final then maybe we could thrash them by 86 points again! lol

  9. The 'Sweetness'; Sweet FA

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